Are You Saying These Things in Your Interviews?

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

Preparing for interview questions can be challenging. The list of common questions is long, and the creative questions can be real stumpers. No matter what questions the interviewer throws your way, understand that there are there are certain things every employer wants to hear from a job candidate. Try to communicate the following phrases in your next interview to let the hiring manager know that you're the best choice.

I Am Easy to Teach

The hiring and training process is expensive. Employers need workers who can hit the ground running with minimal instruction. During the interview, try to provide examples of how quickly you have learned new systems or software programs, and discuss how well you work on your own with little to no supervision. Employers place great value on hires who can take direction once and get the job done.

I Am Easy to Work With

The employer wants to know that you're a team player who keeps a positive attitude in any situation. This trait makes you an asset on teams, with different groups and with multiple clients. If you get the opportunity to name one of your strengths during the interview, feel free to declare how flexible and adaptable you are. Provide examples from your work history that illustrate your success with working on different teams and in different situations.

I Strive for Excellence

If hired, will you do the best job you can do? That's definitely something the employer wants to hear from you. Communicate that you are committed and passionate about doing your best work by providing examples of your greatest professional accomplishments. Follow up by explaining how providing excellent work to your previous employers made you feel.

I Appreciate Feedback

Employers need employees who can take constructive criticism without crumbling or developing a bad attitude. When answering questions during the interview, make it clear that you thrive on feedback and like to learn from your mistakes.

I Am Loyal

Nowadays, company loyalty isn't necessarily just about longevity. Employers want to know that during your employment, you will be the best employee you can be, and that if and when you do decide to leave, it will be in a responsible and respectful manner. Communicate that you are a loyal worker by not badmouthing your previous employers during the interview. If asked why you left a previous position, answer tactfully, and try to frame it in as positive a light as possible. At the end of the day, it's all about seeking the best opportunities for you.

Let the stories you tell during the interview communicate your employability. Practice your answers to common interview questions, and make sure your responses communicate phrases that indicate your positive attitude, hardworking nature, adaptability and willingness to commit.

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