5 Reasons Why Your Resume Is Crucial

Posted by in Career Advice

Believe it or not, many people still think that having a great resume isn't that important. Here are 5 reasons why your resume should be your best work.
When you are looking for a job, your resume is your first, and sometimes only, marketing tool. I have been talking with other job seekers lately, and I keep hearing them say that they don't understand why it matters so much if their resume isn't tailored to each job. I mean, they are supposed to be looking for the best employee, not just the best resume writer. Right?
Actually, that couldn't be further from the truth. When hiring managers are sorting through a pile of resumes, they are forced to make judgments about your ability as an employee bases on just this documents. If your resume and cover letter are filled with errors, are sloppy or just don't make sense, then they will assume that you have the same issues.
Here are 5 reasons why your resume is cruical:
  1. Your livelihood depends on it – If you make careless errors on your resume or don't want to invest time and energy into making it perfect, you are basically telling an employer that you can't produce a document that gets results, even if your livelihood depends on it. That doesn't make you a great candidate.
  2. You are demonstrating that you know how to use a computer – The process of preparing the documents and emailing them to an employer shows them that you are familiar with how to send office correspondence via a computer. Even if the job doesn't require huge computer skills, most companies will require you to at least be familiar with how to attach files and send email. Sending files that are in the wrong format or not using a subject line in your email all show that you aren't someone who can handle those tasks.
  3. It shows that you can get things done, and ask for help – If you aren't a great resume writer or don't have good computer skills, get someone to help you. There will be times at any job when you are given a task that you don't feel capable of doing on your own. These are the times when you will have to ask for help. So, if you don't think that you are able to make your resume stand out on your own, hire a resume writing service or ask friends for help.
  4. Your resume and work experience shows your flexibility – Your previous experience shows how capable you are at adapting to new situations. When you apply for a job, customize your resume and cover letter to the job. This way, the employer will get the most relevant information about you, but they will also see that you are able to change your presentation to match the circumstance. This is a great quality in an employee.
  5. Your resume and cover letter are your first project for an employer – Every time you send in a resume and cover letter to a potential employer, you are completing a sample project for them. Of course, you want to show them that you are able to give them what they asked for without making any errors. Presenting them with a half-hearted document that isn't targeted to what they asked for just shows that you didn't read the job description, or that you didn't care enough to give them the results they wanted.
In today's job market, your resume and cover letter are more important than ever. Think of it as a sample project and do your best to deliver the information they need to make an informed decision about you as an employee.
Do you tailor your resume to each job? Have you used a resume writing service? Let me know in the comments.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for HealthcareJobsiteBlog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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