How to Hire the Best People

Posted by in Human Resources

One of the best ways to put a smile on your employee or manager’s face is to make sure there is one already there before you hire that person. When you seek to hire an employee or a manager, make sure you are hiring a person who understands that the customer is really the one who signs his or her paycheck.


Seek out people who have a good attitude and truly like themselves. In today’s market place, it is getting more and more competitive to find and hire well-qualified people. Don’t let that deter you. Look for employees and managers with potential, and give them a chance to learn how to perform at their job.

There are some excellent measuring instruments on the market today that can help you evaluate behavior tendencies of the job applicants you are considering for employment. By no means should these tools be the only method by which you screen job applicants. However, they can be an excellent guide in helping you make the final selection.

Regardless of who you hire, you must develop the knack of recognizing latent talents in that person. Be willing to work with the employee. Some are quick learners; others are slower. It seems that the ones who take longer to learn basic skills remain with your company longer than others who may grow bored and restless and look for greener pastures.

The key is to be patient when helping your new employees develop the necessary skills required to perform their job. By giving them a chance to develop into good employees, (some of these employees will eventually become good managers), you will build the reputation of your company so much that it can be a reason for other potential employees to be attracted to it.

1. How do you now determine what qualities are important for a new employee position?

2. Do you ask your employees what qualities are necessary to do their jobs properly?

3. What criteria do you use to decide if new hires are kept as permanent employees?

4. How do you reward good employees for their longevity with your company?


Have you been thinking about finding a job in customer service? Check out our site for customer service jobs in your area.

Tom Borg

Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, trainer, coach and author. He works with small and mid-size businesses and organizations and helps them develop their most valuable asset – their people!

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