What Social Media Accounts Do Prospective Employers Care About?

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Social media is no longer just a mashup of jokes, funny statuses and cat videos; it is now an important piece in a recruiter's toolkit. Up to 60 percent of employers now use social media to scout for and learn about candidates, so it's more important than ever to maintain a consistent, professional image across all your social media platforms. Here's how to make the most of each of your profiles.


LinkedIn is the top social media site for networking and recruiting, so it should be your top priority during your job search. Plenty of candidates maintain LinkedIn profiles and even connect with people in their network, but don't participate in many activities beyond that. Stand out from your peers by taking an active role in LinkedIn's myriad of discussion groups, articles, polls and surveys. Each activity you participate in helps shine a light back to your profile. Each day, spend a few minutes in the morning scrolling your news feed, and comment on articles of interest to you. The more you engage, the easier it is to develop real relationships with people both inside and outside of your LinkedIn network.


Twitter may not seem like the likeliest social media platform to find a job, but it's actually a great way to connect with potential employers. By following their Twitter feeds, you get real-time industry news and updates right to your mobile device. Engage in professional discussions and debates with others in your network, and draw attention to your feed by using trending hashtags. Try to share something you're passionate about at least once a day, and stay on top of the latest news.


Unlike Twitter, Facebook allows you to post much more than 140 characters at a time, so it's a great place to share detailed commentary on articles or issues of interest to you, or engage in healthy debate. To present yourself in the best light, make sure your Facebook profile is free of any controversial or inappropriate pictures, jokes or statuses, and complete your work history and educational background sections, making sure the information matches what's on your resume.


Instagram offers a more visual look into your professional life and history. The pictures you share help to tell a story about your values, passions and skills. Share photos of your workspace, a book you're reading or the latest networking event you attended. When relevant, tag companies you're interested in to garner more attention and views. Like Twitter, you can also use hashtags to bring your posts into the public eye.

Maintaining a consistent, professional image across all your social media profiles is a great way to enhance your personal brand and support your job search efforts. This allows potential employers to get to know more about you, beyond the information contained in your resume or cover letter.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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