How Changing Your Attitude Can Improve Your Resume

Posted by in Career Advice

As job seekers, it’s easy to believe that the process of looking for work is a cut-and-dried experience. You look for a job, type up your resume and cover letter, score an interview, and win the job. It’s easy, right? Well, not quite.


Actually, a lot of time and effort go into the job-seeking process—and how you feel about that process is not exempt from affecting the outcome. Believe it or not, your attitude about the job search could have an adverse effect on how you write your resume. And, of course, if your resume isn’t good, you most likely will not get the job. So how can you keep a good attitude about the job search?


Avoid Negative Thinking


While creating a resume may seem like a process that isolates itself from your feelings, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, if you’re feeling “blah” about the job search, you’re likely to write a “blah” resume.


On the other hand, if you feel passionate about the job you’re applying for, you’re more likely to think “what can I write to make this company believe I really want this job?” and you naturally begin brainstorming ideas to help deliver your message.


Try your best to adopt a good attitude about your prospects for employment—and watch your resume blossom.


Feel Proud of Your Skills


Another attitude adjustment that could help your resume is feeling proud of your skills. If you really take a look at the skills you bring to the table and accomplishments you’d like to share, it can feel pretty exciting to think that an employer will look at your resume and say, “This is who we’ve been looking for!”


So how can you connect your skills and accomplishments to the job you’re applying for? Comb through the company’s job posting to see what the employer is looking for in a candidate, then proudly piece together your professional history in a way that shows you have the talent needed to surpass its goals.


Envision a Successful Career


It’s also a great idea to develop a positive attitude that reaches beyond the job you’re applying for and encompasses your entire career. It’s good to think about how the role you want could provide opportunities for you to grow as a person and help you to develop into an expert in your field. Although this information doesn’t need to be incorporated into your resume, it can work wonders in helping you to envision how you can make improvements to both the company and your career.


The words you write on your resume are a direct reflection of the way you feel about your prospects as a candidate for any position you apply for. If you don’t believe you’ll get the job, it will show. So find ways to feel good as you connect to each job you want. This can help you to write a convincing resume that scores you an interview.


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  • Thomas n
    Thomas n
    This was really helpful information. I believe that I am a person with a positive attitude, I guess I fail transmit that sometimes. I think I have decided to rewrite my resume, to get rid of the blah factor!
  • Roberto V
    Roberto V
  • Pamela C
    Pamela C
    A very informational article.  Although I have tried many ways to make my resume outstanding but still haven't received the news that I want. I am always positive when putting in for a job or going on a interview, and will continue to have the confidence that I need to get the job. These days either you email,fax,or mail a resume instead of seeing the person face to face unless they call you for an interview. I'm going to remember this article and try new approach and see what happens.
  • Nazim chowdhury
    Nazim chowdhury
    Avoid Negative Thinking
  • Maria M
    Maria M
    Great information thank you!  Ps. A+  for  the word Opportunity  against  prediction
  • Philip Knowles
    Philip Knowles
    I have alway assumed that the Resume is pretty much the same for all jobs.. Doesn't the cover letter take on the uniqueness of each job and leaves the resume to state who we are and what are our unique qualifications?I could use some feedback here. PleaseThanks in advancePhil
  • Cheri B
    Cheri B
    How do you know what to even put into a resume? I aw always taught to only put your professional info, but not even a college degree matters. It such a confusing world! Help?
  • Diane P
    Diane P
    I feel more like I am auditioning for a position on a movie than for a job!  There is no way I am able to get in front of anyone these days - IF I could, I could obtain a position.  Already another Diane P has obtained a position based on MY resume, but SHE got the job!  PLEASE explain that one to me!?!    and the company would not even allow me to come in for an interview after they knew the error that they had made!  This on-line system doesn't work best for job seekers!
  • Rachel Robinson
    Rachel Robinson
    Housekeeper supervisor need help writing a resume nd making it sound good.
  • Debbi M
    Debbi M
    What are  your  thoughts?You  apply for a  particular position  that was  posted  by the  company  and your  resume  indicates your  are applying for  management position x ( you just finished  graduate school )You obtain an interview, and the first  thing you are  told  is that   you will not  be  interviewed  for the position you applied for because  an Intern has  that position now and  she will be hired for that position, so instead we are going to interview for a  a  line  position. Would you a have  stated you were  interested ,or stated,I am sorry you posted for a  position X that was  what I applied for and  left.Debbi
  • Matthew L
    Matthew L
    This is so true that the right attitude towards the job search process is critical to securing positive outcome! Thanks for sharing.
  •  charmaine S.
    charmaine S.
    It is sad to see what getting a job has come to.  It was much better the old way, when people can walk into a place of employment and ask for a job.  Give me a chance and if I am not good you can let me go.  You still had the probationary period only now its longer unless your employer got the loophole to let you go earlier which they always will find via HR.  It didn't cost money and time like it did today.  People were by far more hard working than people are today and 9/10 hired worked out.  Mind you there are a few places that still does it that way today.  Literally employers hired people today mostly employees families and friends via word of mouth.  But they still have to go through the redtape.I have found it very feustrating and time consuming with all the stuff one has to go through to get a job today. Nine of ten times most of the jobs I had were all people " WHO KNEW ME" I am very educated, however half my education I cannot put it on my resume because I won't get the job.  So I scaled it down to the bare minimum.  Its not a good feeling considering the time, money and effort in pursuing it.
  • Steven M
    Steven M
    Very Good Information
  •  majid kalami
    majid kalami
    thank you so much for your guide
  •  Rekha S
    Rekha S
  • Ismat S
    Ismat S
    rightly said, right attitude is base to create resume for the to apply
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