How to Break Through Your Mind Boundaries

Posted by in Career Advice

I have a poster that hangs on my wall that is a beautiful picture of the extending branches of a leafless tree and full moon off in the distance. The poster reads, “Your limitations exist only in your mind.”

Some people think they are not good enough to apply for certain kinds of communication jobs. They feel, because they did not go to the right college, or maybe not even go to college, that they don’t have what it takes to learn the skills they need, to be hired and to be successful, in that position with the company for which they want to work. They think this way because they have created artificial mind boundaries. These boundaries are preventing them for doing what it takes to be successful in securing the ideal job.

When you stop to think about it, it is not hard to fall into this trap. Most people have created in their mind some type of mind boundaries. The young man in high school, who wants to ask a particular girl out for a date, may be prevented from doing so because of his feelings of insecurity and fear of rejection. Thus he believes this girl is too good for him and would never even consider dating him. So, he never gives her a chance to say yes, because he never asks her.

The girl who wants to try out for the school play never gets up the nerve to try out. As a result, she never creates room in her life for the opportunity for that to happen, because she is afraid of being rejected.

The administrative assistant who would like to apply for the position of her supervisor, who is getting ready to retire, talks herself out of applying, because her mindset causes her to erroneously believe she is too young to be considered as a serious candidate.

What each of these individuals has in common is the fact that they have created mind boundaries. These self imposed limiting beliefs sabotage any chance for them to be successful. They cause people to be eliminated from experiencing some of life’s successful experiences because they never even try. People have the capacity to learn and succeed. They just don’t believe in themselves. Like the poster I mentioned earlier, their limitations exist only in their mind.

What about you? What kind of mind boundaries are holding you back from applying for and getting your ideal communications job; a job that would allow you to grow and develop your natural skills, talents and abilities?

Here is an action idea. Make a list of all the jobs you would love to work. Pick the top one. Find out what you must do to get hired in that job, and then get into action to develop your skill sets and knowledge base that will allow that to happen.

Tom Borg is a consultant in leadership management, team building and customer service. Please see more of his blogs at CommunicationsJobsBlog.netand To view additional job postings go to Nexxt

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