How to Deal with the Stress of a Job Change

Posted by in Career Advice

Two areas where most people experience stress during their lives are: coping with financial concerns and family members. Needless to say both of these areas become even more sensitive during a new job search.

Laying awake at night worrying about how you will pay your bills during your job search only adds to the anxiety of finding the right administrative job for you. When you are interviewed in person or on the phone, your stress levels can sabotage your quest to land the job.

Your spouse or significant other can become frightened by the prospects of your extended lack of employment and the complications it can bring. Arguments can become commonplace and the stress you experience can be very destructive and hard to live with, unless you take a different view of your job search.

One of the best ways to deal with the stress that comes with a new job search is to look at it as if it is a game. And quite frankly that is all it is a game. When you play a game to win, it is best to learn the rules. Once you learn the rules, you need to start practicing your skills. The better you get at using your skill sets, the better you will do in the game and the more likely you will win it.

This website is loaded with career resources, tips and information that can help you develop your knowledge base and skill sets. Continue to use it and it can help you to successfully land a new job.

Look at your job search as a game. Learn how to play the game and develop your skills, and before you know it, you will be in your new career.

Tom is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, trainer, coach and author. He works with small and mid-size businesses and organizations and helps them develop their most valuable asset – their people!

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