How To Promote Yourself When You Are an Introvert

Posted by in Career Advice

Self promotion is really important, especially when you are doing freelance work, starting your own business or just looking for a job. But, how can you get through it if you are an introvert?
I will freely admit that I am a confirmed introvert. I feel more comfortable when talking to just a few people that I know well. Being introverted isn't the same thing as being shy. I am not afraid to talk to people I don't know, I just have a much lower level need for social interaction. Talking about myself usually leaves me feeling uncomfortable and nervous.
The particular challenge that introverts face is trying to find a way to promote themselves when they are looking for a job, without coming across as nervous or unfriendly.
Through time and a whole lot of practice, I have become pretty good at holding my end of a conversation with someone in a one-on-one situation, but I still have trouble initiating a conversations and I really dislike talking about myself or my successes. I am comfortable being an introvert. We are typically really good at things that don't involve a whole lot of face to face communications. For example, many writers and computer programers are introverts as well. If any of this sounds familiar, then maybe you are an introvert too. If so, then, like me you probably have a hard time when it comes to self promotion.
Promoting yourself is an essential ingredient in getting a promotion, receiving recognition for your accomplishments in any career. However, it becomes even more important when you are looking for a new job. Employers want to see a confident, well spoken applicant who is enthusiastic about the job. They also want someone who is prepared to tell them why they are the very best candidate for the job. For many introverts, this is a difficult thing to do and it makes them feel like they are bragging.
It's a difficult situation, but, there are a few things you can do to make the process of promoting yourself feel more natural.
The first thing you need to do is realize that the people around you are too busy worrying about their own drama and careers to really pay much attention to what you are doing. When you accept the simple fact that if you don't talk about your accomplishments, no one is really going to notice; saying things that feel like bragging to you, actually sound to them that you are just giving them an update on what you have accomplished.
So, you see the problem, right? You don't want to brag, but others want to hear what you have done.
The New York Times recently had an article about self promoting when you are an introvert, and there are some of the key tips they offered:
  • Create a portfolio- Take a nice three ring binder and fill it with samples of your work along with letters of commendation from satisfied customers or coworkers. By making a portfolio that highlights your accomplishments, you can take the focus of a conversation with an employer off of you personally and onto the things in the binder. This way, you can show off you achievements without feeling like you are in the spotlight.


  • Start a blog- If you don't think that you have enough accomplishments to fill a portfolio, consider creating a blog about your industry. Introverts are typically good writers, as they prefer to communicate at a distance. Continue building your blog and let your employer know about it or include a link on resumes and cover letters. This will allow potential employers to see how much you know about your industry and have them view you as an expert in the field. It will allow you to become the go-to person for certain things.


  • Identify the thing you are good at- Everyone has things that they are great at. So, maybe you are so good at playing to a room or garnering a great deal of attention, but there are other things that you can excel at. Find a way to become indispensable to your company. On your resume, write that you were the office pro at whatever it was. This allows others to notice your accomplishments when they tell others “Well, Susie is the best person to ask about that. She is the expert.”


  • Rehearse your presentation skills- If you are in the midst of a serious job search, spend some time working on honing your public speaking skills. Most community colleges offer classes on public speaking for the workplace and if you are out of work, this might be the perfect time. Sometimes the difference between getting the job or being overlooked is just the presentation. If you don't want to take a class, at least plan out interview answers ahead of time. You can even record yourself answering them and watch it back, looking for places where you should have paused or moved your hands etc. Once you get a way that works, rehearse it just like it was a play. This will make the interview much easier on you and you can be certain that you are showing them your best self.
Being an introvert doesn't make you any less of a go-getter, it doesn't mean that you are a doormat or that you are less successful than others. It just means that you are quieter about it. So don't let your introversion prevent you from telling people how great you are.
Are you an introvert? What do you do to compensate for it? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment sections.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for TechCareersBlog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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