Computer and Electrical Parts Are Helping Manufacturing Growth

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Buoyed by the burgeoning technology industry, electrical and computer parts manufacturing is spurring growth in the manufacturing sector. Globally, computer parts manufacturing is up, and countries with low labor costs and government manufacturing incentives are set to see increased growth well into the 21st century. Computer and electrical parts are also aiding growth in U.S. manufacturing due to need, innovation and modern production systems that reduce labor costs.

Computer parts manufacturing is a multi-tiered endeavor. Every computer or piece of technology contains many small parts that are all manufactured in separate facilities, connected into larger parts at another location and then finally assembled into completed machines at yet another manufacturing location. For example, silicon is purified for the creation of computer chips, chips are etched with circuits and circuits are connected together to create CPUs, each at a different manufacturing facility. This hierarchy creates a huge need for specialized manufacturing processes, and the market for computer parts manufacturing is growing. Expanding a manufacturing process into the area of computer components is a smart move with this increased market.

Computer and electrical parts manufacturing requires large research and development teams to stay competitive. This provides jobs for electrical and computer engineers and others interested in computer parts manufacturing. Adding a computer engineer to a development team allows a manufacturer to remain competitive with other component manufacturers. In addition to developing better products, industry specialists also help with the creation of better manufacturing processes to speed up production and improve quality control. U.S. manufacturers have an edge in the market with increasing numbers of college graduates majoring in computer and manufacturing engineering.

Computer parts manufacturing is helping to even the playing field in the area of labor costs between the United States and other countries. Computer-integrated manufacturing allows for the mass production of computer parts with a smaller labor force. In a computer-integrated setup, computer systems control the entire manufacturing process. Because the computer systems communicate directly with each other, fewer errors are made for better quality control. A few skilled programmers and manufacturing experts are able to keep production moving.

Three-dimensional printers are another innovation that reduces the labor cost of computer parts manufacturing. Modern three-dimensional printers are able to print computer chips and processors based on their programmed instructions. Again, this technology both reduces the probability of human error in the production process and allows for a much smaller labor force. As U.S. factories increasingly compete with manufacturers from other countries with much lower labor costs, focusing on the computer and electrical part market is a great way for manufacturers to remain competitive globally.

An increased global need for electrical and computer components is leading to increased growth in the computer manufacturing sector. Movement in the direction of computer parts manufacturing helps U.S. manufacturers stay competitive in the global market. U.S. advantages include the greater availability of computer and manufacturing engineers and modern production techniques that reduce labor costs.


(Photo courtesy of koko-tewan /


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