Keeping Up Positive Habits on Your Job Search

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Maintaining a positive attitude during your job search can be challenging, especially if you have been searching for many months. It's important to maintain good habits and remain in control of your circumstances by keeping your eyes on the end result. Take every rejection and use it as a learning experience and as motivation to keep pushing forward.

The stress and anxiety of finding a job can be emotionally draining, but maintaining a healthy attitude and good habits during your job search can make a difference as to how quickly you find employment. Keep your energy up by eating healthily, exercising, and getting enough sleep at night. Get up early as if you were going to work and put in applications first thing in the morning. Create a daily schedule and stick to it. Maintaining a calendar and knowing what you are supposed to do every day will keep you from getting bored while you are going about your job search. Once you finally land a job, you will find this habit extremely helpful in providing you with enough energy to get through the day and to focus on tasks.

Network with other people in your industry every day. Contact people you have worked with in the past and ask for recommendations. Make it a part of your job search to add at least one new name to your contact database every day. The more people you talk to, the bigger your chances are of locating the right job. The important thing is to never stop searching, so don't give up by telling yourself you have applied everywhere you can. Contact temp agencies, volunteer, or provide pro bono work in order to get your name out in the industry.

Use the extra time you have during your job search to learn a new skill or to take a few college classes. Other ways to continue to develop your skills is by attending conferences, workshops, and seminars, reading the newspaper daily, subscribing to trade magazines, or joining a professional group. A job association in your industry is a great way to stay up-to-date on trends, and it will provide you with an additional opportunity to network with other people who have similar interests during your job search.

A long unsuccessful job search can leave you feeling frustrated and maybe even angry. Try to remember to stay positive and maintain healthy habits each day. A positive attitude will show when you put in applications and go to interviews, so it's best to accept the fact that you will receive more rejections than you will job offers and just move on. At the end of the day during your job search, reward yourself and don't let an unproductive day derail your search.


(Photo courtesy of


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