Three Common Reasons That Employees Leave

Joseph Stubblebine
Posted by in Management & Business

In order for any company to remain competitive and efficient, it must work to retain its employees. Low employee turnover not only keeps business running smoothly, but also boosts morale and helps foster a positive work environment. In order to tackle this problem, business owners must identify why employees leave and focus on resolving some of the common issues that drive excellent workers away.

1. Dissatisfaction

Job dissatisfaction is perhaps the greatest motivator for departing employees. In some instances, workers feel like their responsibilities do not match with their job description. Other employers alienate workers by increasing work hours or consolidating multiple positions into one job. While these measures are occasionally inevitable, unfairly adjusting an employee's workload is a simple way to pressure that employee into looking for an exit. Rather than springing new changes on staff members unexpectedly, employers should have an ongoing dialogue with their workers and try to find viable solutions for all parties when challenges arise.

2. Lack of Support

Issues with the job itself are only one of the main reasons why employees leave their positions. Inadequate support in the workplace is another fundamental motivator in the decision to leave a job. Some bosses subject their employees to endless tirades and belittle the abilities of staff members, but others simply neglect to recognize quality work. Regularly thanking employees allows staff members to feel valued, which reflects positively on the company and builds loyalty. Additional measures like promotions and bonuses also make a lasting impression on workers and help to negate some of the other reasons why employees leave.

3. Career Growth

Finally, lack of advancement opportunities and compensation discrepancies often push many employees to seek other positions. In fact, low salaries are one of the most popular reasons for why employees leave. Of course, not all companies have the ability to provide pay rises, particularly if the organization is excelling financially. However, in that case, employers must find creative ways to boost employee morale by providing alternative forms of compensation.

For example, some hard pressed companies offer additional vacation days to workers who stay with the organization. Flexible hours and longer lunches are also options for business owners to consider. If low salaries remain the primary factor in why employees leave a particular company, however, it's up to the management to find ways to eliminate positions or boost revenue to keep remaining employees paid appropriately.

Losing employees places companies in a perilous situation. In some instances, losing a key worker can even put the company's economic future in jeopardy. In order to avoid these challenges, business owners must narrow down the reasons why employees leave their organization. Armed with this information, human resources personnel and management possess the keys to make positive change in the workplace. Exploring why employees leave can open doors to getting staff members to stay put, while having the added benefit of simultaneously building the company's outside reputation.

(Photo courtesy of stockimages at


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  • Donald C.
    Donald C.

    When ignoring current employees' education which is applicable to potential promotions, dissatisfaction is the inevitable result

  • Donald C.
    Donald C.

    When an average-level Supervisor delegates their own responsibilities to a poorly-informed subordinate, problems give rise to unsatisfied employees

  • Donald C.
    Donald C.

    If entry-level employee has more education than required(over-qualified)professional respect is appreciated

  • Courtney Mathews
    Courtney Mathews

    This is the exact reason why communication is key!

  • Patrick Thompson
    Patrick Thompson

    Good Bosses need to determine the exact amount of management needed...and enact 25% less.

  • Deanna R.
    Deanna R.

    This is true, very insightful information, these will be the three items I ask my next prospective employer.

  • Thomas B.
    Thomas B.

    There is an old saying, "People don't leave their companies; they leave their bosses." Employees do this for all of the reasons listed in the article. Employees, oftentimes, managers (often not leaders) forget that they are people with feelings. Like any relationship, both parties should feel valued. In a working relationship, managers tend to forget this and allow their authority to supersede their common sense. As a former executive at Fortune 500 companies, I learned the hard way that your success as a manager and a leader is directly tied to the performance of your employees. To maximize performance, each and every contributor must be supported, valued, and treated fairly.

  • Sabrina S.
    Sabrina S.

    I believe it is the low pay, non communication with employees, and lack of real leadership causes a person to leave a company. If the leadership is missing then there is no direction or order in the organization. Management should have an open door policy where staff can come in and speak openly without the fear of losing a job. My previous Supervisor was always asking her department what can we do as a team to move our department forward, how can we reach and exceed the expectations of this department. One thing I really appreciated was the recognition of individuals who was excelling and exceeding the standard requirements set by the company. Furthermore, she motivated our department by conducting group meetings and keep us in the loop about changes to come. She also met with us individually to discuss our strengthens and weaknesses and nudged us in the right direction. Management should be able to relate to their employees and NOT have favorites in the workplace, it creates too much drama!

  • Donna C.
    Donna C.

    You forgot to mention a supervisor that has favorites in the company, or that she's completely psychotic.

  • Mark Correia
    Mark Correia

    Sorry Joe, none of the above should be considered fodder for an epiphany. You've stated the obvious.

  • Margaret McKinney
    Margaret McKinney

    A factor which can significantly undermine trust - an essential element which needs to be reciprocated between employer and employee - is also diminished when nepotism is present. In my last employment, the manager of my department was married to the president which tilted the power scales dramatically in her direction. She would make signficant changes in job responsibiities - adding more job duties to already burdened employees to tweek the budget - without ever consulting those impacted because her position created a certain degree of imperiousness. People would rather quit than try and work with her because her.marriage-facilitated job security created an insensitive leader. It also affected others working in different sectors of the company because they refused to work in her department during times of low personnel flow. I was sad to leave excellent coworkers but couldn't continue to live under her regime.

  • Robin S.
    Robin S.

    I totally agree with this article....I would even add lack of diversity.

  • John K.
    John K.

    Good point Danny. Employers shouldn't overlook expenses tied to training, lost productivity during the transition between employees, and institutional knowledge that is difficult to replace.

  • Sheila Morrison
    Sheila Morrison

    I agree with Debra P. Lack of employer loyalty is one good reason we leave. Employers are now in the habit of hiring Temps and I'm sick of being a Temp. Not to mention temps have a high turnover rate and from what I've seen receive poor to no training. Call me old fashioned, I want a permanent position with paid holidays from an employer I can count on. I'm already insured even!! PAY now completely sucks and is another good reason to leave. I can remember doing a tough job like I have now back in 2007 and getting $4.00 per hour more for it. Employers now expect you to do twice as much for half the pay. One by one, people are rebelling. I call you on your article, Sir.

  • Danny A.
    Danny A.

    Since employers are no doubtedly reading this also, maybe we should also talk about the costs incurred in training a new employee to the level of the previous employee.

  • Anthony Lo Coco
    Anthony Lo Coco

    Unrealistic Expectations goes on at both ends of the transactions and is the reason for apathy and short employment cycles.

  • Debra P.
    Debra P.

    I find that a lot of people leave their jobs because of the lack of employer loyalty. I never had this issue -- I was exceedingly selective in choosing an employer. I always remembered as I went up the ladder that loyalty is a two-way street. It seems to be lacking in the majority of employers (and maybe in employees) these days? Sad.

  • Joe A.
    Joe A.

    As Professional Directions in training and coaching employees, I feel the basics for health, safety & environmental will keep employees with there companys.

  • George Jacob
    George Jacob

    Communication and support has to go both ways. If employees and employers have strong feedback loops and support each other, employees will likely stick around and fight through tough patches, knowing there's support coming in the future.

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