Three Keywords for Manufacturing Resumes

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Manufacturing

As the manufacturing industry in the United States grows slowly and steadily, new jobs will gradually become available. Whether you're heading into the industry for the first time or looking to switch positions, your manufacturing resume will be an important tool. By including crucial resume keywords, you can catch the attention of hiring managers and help your application stand out.

After the recent recession in the United States, progress and growth in the manufacturing slowed considerably. According to a recent story from Quality Magazine, more than half of manufacturers increased revenue in 2013. Competition for jobs is still tough, though, so it is crucial to create a powerful, compelling resume.

When you are looking for a job in the manufacturing industry, experience can be a key factor in securing a position. If you are a new graduate, one of the most important keywords you can use on your manufacturing resume is "internship." Depending on your region, "co-op" may be an acceptable substitution. Both keywords suggest to employers that you have practical hands-on experience in the manufacturing industry. They let them know that you know how to conduct yourself in a professional environment, giving you an edge over applicants with no experience.

In many manufacturing facilities, executives are moving toward automated operations. Robotic automation helps a company reduce injuries, remove bottlenecks, and streamline production. Unfortunately for workers, the switch to automation often means a reduction in the workforce. If you are looking for a job in an automated facility or one that is planning to switch to full or partial automation, it is important to demonstrate that you have experience with advanced manufacturing techniques. By including a form of the word "automation" on your manufacturing resume, you will immediately indicate to employers that you have at least some knowledge of the process. In some cases, the presence of the keyword on your manufacturing resume can be enough to get you through the initial screening.

If you are searching for a job that requires you to be on the manufacturing floor, the most important resume keywords relate to ground-level experience. Employers want to know that you are competent and safe, particularly when you are working around large dangerous machines. A keyword like "preventative maintenance" on your manufacturing resume lets hiring managers know that you are accustomed to working in a way that prevents accidents and dangerous situations. It communicates your commitment to safety and attention to detail, both of which are crucial in a manufacturing environment.

When it comes to crafting a strong manufacturing resume, keywords can make a significant difference. By choosing words that will stand out to reviewers or automated resume review systems, you can increase your chances of getting an interview and getting the job.


(Photo courtesy of


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