What is the Key to Better Job Performance?

Joseph Stubblebine
Posted by in Utilities

A company's effectiveness and profitability often hinges on the performance of its employees. Unfortunately, many businesses overlook the human component when seeking out ways to perform better in the marketplace. However, when you improve job performance, you also increase customer satisfaction, worker productivity, and the bottom line. The key to better job performance by utilities workers is to invest in them, something you can do in several ways.


Education and Training

Possibly the most important thing you can do to improve job performance is to invest in education and training. Don't just focus on enhancing employees' technical skills; time management, interpersonal, team building, and other complementary skills are just as beneficial. Utilities workers who know how to manage their time well, for example, can get more done faster, which will make you and your customers happy. Though training can take place in the office, investing in retreats or off-site courses can provide an energizing change from the daily routine.


Empower Employees

A 2010 study conducted by the researchers at the Department of Social and Environmental Medicine at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine found a positive correlation between job performance and job control. The more control a person had within a given position, the better that individual worked. There are many ways you can give employees more control over their jobs, including allowing flexible work hours and empowering employees to make decisions when out in the field. This builds mutual trust between the employee and the company, which can also improve job performance.


Reduce Stress

High stress levels and unhealthy work environments have a negative impact on employees, often leading to increased levels of absenteeism and reduced productivity. While all jobs entail a certain amount of stress, organizations with toxic cultures can literally hurt employees. It's important to take an honest look at your company's processes and how it treats its employees. If necessary, make the necessary changes to create a culture of support and respect, improving job performance naturally.


Recognize and Reward

Everyone likes to feel valued, and a good way to improve job performance is to recognize and reward employees for a job well done. Recognition can be anything from a pat on the back to a company picnic. Although money is the easiest reward to give, try to give employees something they will really appreciate like an extra paid vacation day or a promotion.


Although it can be a challenge to find ways to improve job performance, the time and effort you invest will be well worth it. Employees will appreciate your efforts and reward you with years of loyal and great service.


(Photo courtesy of stockimages / freedigitalphotos.net)


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