5 Secrets for Handling Objections

Michele Warg
Posted by in Sales

One major key to any sales strategy includes preparing for any situation that arises during any portion of the sales process. One stumbling block salespeople may encounter is how to handle objections. How do you overcome someone's criticism of your product or service?

Like any other part of a sales strategy, handling objections gets easier with practice. The more you rehearse dealing with a customer's objections, the more it becomes second nature. That being said, digest these five secrets to overcoming the staunchest of potential clients and improving your sales pitch.

1. Start With the Script

Write down rebuttals to common and frequent objections. These are the ones that most customers bring up during your sales pitch that you've heard a million times. Writing down the issues gives you a basis for handling objections. Setting a script lets you practice your responses when you hear these objections.

2. Practice Makes Permanent

Once you practice and rehearse your responses, memorize them. Handling objections should happen quickly, efficiently and effectively. This only occurs when you know what to say and when. Over time, your internal memorization rolls off the tongue as if you're having a conversation with someone.

3. Set Aside Some Time

Anything worth doing takes some time and effort. Handling objections by memorizing responses is the same way. Instead of staring at a written script all day, make an audio recording of the script and listen to it 30 to 50 times. This lets you memorize the sales pitch by hearing what you say. This technique works for memorizing your favorite song that you hear repeatedly on the radio, so listening to a recording of your rebuttals also helps commit your script to memory.

4. Record Your Practice Runs

Now that you've memorized what to say, it's time to record your practice runs in a video. Review the recording to analyze your timing, inflection of voice and tone. One appropriate tool to use here is the SALE method, which stands for Stop, Acknowledge, Listen and Example. Once a customer objects to something, pause your presentation to acknowledge the person's objection. Next, listen to the person's concerns and offer your rebuttal as an example of how your product or service helped others.

Your story adds weight to the conversation and makes the customer realize that other people benefit from what you are selling. You might even put the pressure back on your customer by asking them what is preventing that person from saying "yes" to your offer.

5. Alter Your Rebuttals Accordingly

Perfect your rebuttals by altering them as you get used to how customers respond to your calls and presentations. How you handle objections is an ongoing art form that needs to be refreshed from time to time.

Handling objections becomes easier over time; all you have to do is remember the mechanics of this process. You already enjoy sales, so adding this to your repertoire should be a no-brainer as you build a solid career.

Photo courtesy of Salvatore Vuono at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • jean d.
    jean d.

    Very helpful.

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