7 Things About Millennials You Didn't Know

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

As millennials flood into the workplace, hiring managers are seeking to recruit and retain the best of the best. Employers who are better equipped to understand millennial employees can utilize their strengths, desires and goals with motivational strategies that improve and impact the company's bottom line.

1. Independent Creatures

Whereas many professionals seek advice from professionals, family and friends, millennial employees rarely do, according to a survey of 16,000 millennials conducted by Universum and the INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute. This generation is independent and chooses to make choices without counseling others.

2. Opportunists

Professionals may find themselves in a dead-end job for months or years, even if they do not find the work engaging or interesting, but you will rarely find millennial employees sacrificing their time, energy and effort in a job without opportunities. According to the INSEAD survey, 40 percent of millennials reported that their biggest fear is becoming trapped in a career that is a road to nowhere.

3. Intrinsically Motivated

It is no secret that many people are motivated by a higher salary, but millennials prioritize a work-life balance over a paycheck. Millennial employees value flexibility such as the option to work from home, varying reporting times throughout the week and smartphones to streamline work at all hours of the day instead of a higher salary and a set schedule.

4. Lifelong Learners

Millennials do place value on working their way up the corporate ladder, but they place more emphasis on acquiring new skills and professional development. Companies who can offer continuing education on a regular basis are more likely to recruit and retain qualified and committed millennials.

5. Feedback-Craving Professionals

The passion to succeed and grow personally and professionally prompts millennial employees to crave feedback. This generation seeks out role models, mentors and coaches to better prepare themselves for the workplace and their respective industries. Millennials seek out managers and a workplace environment that encourage collaboration, input and constructive criticism so they can advance their skills.

6. Leaders in Training

Millennials envision themselves on a professional fast track to management. A leadership role is often a primary goal for millennials in both entry-level and mid-management positions. This generation places value on contributing to corporations and organizations and emphasizes the importance of impacting productivity and profits in a strategic role.

7. Diverse Individuals

The workplace environment and company culture are important factors in whether millennials choose to work for an organization. Millennials seek employment opportunities that are culturally diverse and boast an equal male-to-female ratio.

Hiring managers must recognize the diverse needs of millennial employees to motivate this generation. Millennials are a key element of the workforce, and strive to succeed and impact your business in a positive manner.

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