Managers Must Understand the Value of Training Employees

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

Employee training is costly and time-consuming, and when your company is struggling, it can be tempting to get rid of educational programs and allow workers to learn as they go. In many cases, however, the expense of training is more than offset by positive short-term and long-term effects. As a management professional, it is crucial you understand how training programs benefit the bottom line.

Increased Efficiency

Most operational procedures come with a learning curve; employee training shrinks the curve and helps your staff become productive in less time. A well-designed program teaches employees best practices for key tasks, so they don't need to waste time trying inefficient methods. When workers feel capable and confident from the beginning, they are less likely to be frustrated and more likely to produce excellent work.

Improved Morale

Employee training can have a dramatically positive impact on morale and company culture. Training programs lay out expectations and tell workers how to achieve major goals, giving employees a framework to monitor performance. The clear structure takes away questions about evaluations and performance reviews, thereby increasing transparency and open communication. In addition, training programs can prevent stagnation and boredom, so employees have regular opportunities to grow and be challenged. In contrast, untrained employees might feel adrift, ignored and confused.

Better Engagement

At its core, employee training is an investment; it tells workers that you value them enough to spend time and money building them up. Workers who feel appreciated often experience greater security and engagement. To harness this positive engagement on a grand scale, consider group training sessions. The experience of working together to learn a new skill creates a collaborative environment, reinforces working relationships and bonds the team. When you hit challenging projects or tough times, this team spirit can reduce turnover and increase loyalty.

Reduced Costs

Employee training has a direct impact on your bottom line. Trained workers are less likely to make mistakes, so you can reduce costs associated with wasted hours and materials. Fewer mistakes also lead to better client relationships, increasing cash-flow stability. For a management professional in a high-risk industry, training improves safety and performance, which in turn leads to reduced worker's compensation claims and lower insurance premiums.

Flexible Workforce

Training programs give workers the opportunity to branch out from their typical duties. An administrative assistant might tackle an IT training course, for example, while an engineer develops an understanding of product marketing. This process creates a knowledgeable, flexible workforce that adapts quickly to dynamic project requirements. It also increases collaboration among departments; when employees understand how their work impacts other teams, they can make changes to streamline the overall workflow.

Done well, employee training creates a positive ripple effect that extends throughout the company. From happier workers to lower operating costs, a structured training program can lead to a better business.

Image courtesy of patrisyu at


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