Pronouns on Your Resume: Yes or No?

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Career Advice

Regardless of the job market, a good resume plays an important role. Your resume does the job of introducing you to recruiters, hiring managers, and networking contacts and you want it to do a stellar job. We put a lot of pressure on this document and there are numerous articles out there on how to do it the right way and that can make job seekers and professionals anxious. The truth is, just like people, there is no one right way to write a resume.

What was once a document that included a bulleted list of tasks is now a marketing tool with the intent of grabbing attention and that has allowed candidates the opportunity to share more about themselves. The latest item to add to the resume? Pronouns.

The thing job seekers should keep in mind is that anything you choose to include on your resume is a personal decision. The intent of including pronouns on your resume, means that when including your pronouns on your resume, it allows those who read your resume to address you appropriately and it allows all parties to focus on what’s important—your skills and experience and for you—ultimately a better candidate experience. The more pronouns are normalized, the less stigma there is around sharing them. 

When applying to a company, it’s always key to research the organization to understand their values, mission, and corporate culture. If you’re someone who plans to include your pronouns on your resume, it may be a way to test the waters with a company to understand if their environment is right for you. 

When it comes to literally putting your pronouns on your resume, include them in your header, after your contact information. This ensures it doesn’t distract from your skills and experience. You can also include your pronouns on your online profiles, like twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, after your signature in your cover letter, and in your email signature. 

It’s a personal choice to include your pronouns and it needs to be noted that bringing your authentic self to the interview is an exercise in strength, which can be a great message to an employer.

*Disclaimer this article is not offering legal advice.


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