Turning Anger into a Source of Better Performance

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

While it is never acceptable to shame or degrade your employees, the temptation to smooth over situations that make you angry can actually hinder your performance and your team's performance. A move toward political correctness and emotional intelligence has changed the landscape of leadership, but minimizing your expectations to mask your anger isn't necessarily a change that is effective for most work environments. Learn how to effectively communicate your anger to boost performance.

Act as the Teaching Leader

The changing landscape of leadership has prompted managers and supervisors to act as a mentor versus an authoritative figure. However, when you are disappointed in your team's performance, you can establish yourself as a trainer to improve productivity and overall results. Reframe your beliefs by helping employees see where their actions are flawed and how these flaws impact the business' growth and revenue. Although the basic concepts of emotional intelligence encourage supervisors to help employees "make the message their own," when you expect a team effort, the results suffer when the staff is focused on themselves and their own vision. Help your team to understand the vision of the company and how it must be upheld to better achieve success.

Utilize Your Emotion

It is natural to feel angry when your staff is not performing up to par, but the new landscape of leadership shouldn't urge you to sweep away your concerns. Express your emotions in a respectful way but in a firm manner that communicates that you are bothered by the actions or outcome of the project. When your employees see that you are open and honest with them, even when you are angry, you have the potential to strengthen your relationships with them and garner more respect. The landscape of leadership doesn't have to encourage a hostile work environment, but know that conflict is inevitable when creative minds are at work.

Close the Assumption Gap

Expectations are often a key element of tense exchanges. If your landscape of leadership is to mask your anger and stew about unproductive employees, it's time to address the situation directly. Communicate your expectations with the staff to eliminate any assumptions that may exist. Ask your employees to repeat back the plan so you can clearly see that they understand the process. Most importantly, investigate whether or not your staff is harboring ill feelings toward the project or company that may be contributing to their performance. If so, have a stern talk about expectations and consequences so that the firm's productivity is not affected.

It can be unpleasant to encounter a tense exchange with your staff, but as the manager, you are responsible for creating the landscape of leadership. Express your anger in a manner that further motivates your staff and encourages respect to avoid any disruptions in the workflow.

Photo Courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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