How to Handle a New Hire Who Lied About Their Skills

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

Many times, a job seeker will inflate his resumes with skills he does not have in order to appear more qualified and secure a position. Often, this deceit is not discovered until after the candidate is already working for the company. Employers who have been duped into believing that a new hire has more skills and talents than he really possesses have to consider carefully how to deal with this situation.

Confront the Employee

The first step in dealing with a new hire who lied about his skills on a resume is to confront the person. Organize a meeting with the individual in private, and be polite yet straightforward when talking about the matter. Cross-reference the rest of his information to find out if he is lying about anything else on the resume that could affect his ability to do the job. Be sure to provide solid evidence and reasoning to prove that an employee has fabricated his information, but do also give him a chance to explain.

Consider Training the Employee

When an otherwise decent employee starts to underperform in some areas, the employer is more likely to notice a skill deficiency. If you believe that a new hire who exaggerated about his skills can still grow into a productive worker, offer the employee the proper training. If an employee lacks specific knowledge of a particular program or an industry procedure, he can attend off-site training classes to legitimately gain the necessary proficiencies. However, this may not be possible in roles that require prior mastery of specialized skills to successfully perform.

Cut His Compensation or Rank Accordingly

Frequently, an employer may not find out that a dishonest employee lied until long after he is hired. Claiming to possess a degree or a special certification may help a new employee receive greater compensation, extra benefits and a higher position in the organization. However, if a new hire who does not have the qualifications he claimed he did is particularly apologetic and capable of doing the job, you can decide to keep him on board while cutting his compensation or lowing his rank. You will be doing the employee a favor by allowing him to stay employed, while helping the company by only paying him what his skills and experience actually merit.

Let Him Go

If a new hire lies about his skills on his resume, he could be lying about other things as well. Keeping a new hire on your team who you cannot trust can be an unnecessary burden. Additionally, depending on the nature of the work, an unskilled employee could be a danger to his co-workers. If you feel the right decision is simply to let him go, you should do so with a clear conscience.

Studies indicate that a surprising number of employees have lied on their resume, and a fair percentage of employers said, if this was discovered, they would give new hires another chance, depending on the severity of the lie. No matter what you decide, talk to the guilty individual as soon as you discover the discrepancy. If you decide to give a dishonest employee another chance, he may reward your faith in him.


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