Five Tips For Writing Attention-Grabbing Cover Letters

Posted by in Career Advice

A cover letter is perhaps the trickiest letter you will ever have to write as a job seeker. It can’t be too long so as to bore the reader while at the same time; it can’t be too short either. If you really look at it, you won’t be writing anything more than who you are and why are you writing the cover letter, yet you still want to make it impressive by making it different from the tons that might be fighting to be on top. So what are the secrets to writing that magical cover letter? Top Five Tips To Writing Cover Letters That Get Results Let’s look at the five most important tips that will make your cover letter get attention: 1. Please don’t use a standard cover letter (read: template) with blank spaces for addresses and date insertions. For god’s sake, avoid this as it is going to drive the recruitment manager nuts. If they have read a thousand resumes before they get to yours and they find a cover letter which is not exactly and specifically made for them, they will possibly lose interest and not continue with your resume any further. But seriously speaking, this kind of template gives a feeling of being disregarded to the reader. Can you afford to let this happen? 2. Don’t let all the goodies out of the bag in the cover letter itself. Writing all about yourself in the cover letter is meaningless when you are enclosing your resume as well. Also, a lengthy cover letter is boring and frustrating. The most a hiring manager will do is throw it aside for the circular file. This effectively means you are out of the running. So avoid lengthy cover letters, and keep it brief and to the point. 3. Clearly specify the job code (if it is provided), and give the reference as to whether you are writing the cover letter in response to an advertisement. This prevents your letter from being delivered to the wrong person/department. The right person will understand the position that you have applied for, which makes it easier for him or her to contact you. 4. Personalizing and proofreading the cover letter – this goes without saying. You may argue that perfect spelling and grammar in the cover letter are not evidence of your talents, skills and abilities. Well, look at it this way; what will you do if your talents get buried under unintentional and silly errors? Better yet, how will you know – because if they are, you certainly aren’t going to get called for an interview. 5. Grab attention in the opening sentence itself - This will grab the reader immediately and entice them to read your cover letter carefully and with interest. Think of this as sales – if you don’t get the reader’s attention from the very start, the sale (i.e. – your candidacy) is lost. Because the cover letter is the first contact that you will have with a company or recruiter, it is absolutely essential that it gets the right kind of attention from the get go. By following the five tips above, you will ensure that your resume ends up at the top of the “yes” heap.

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  • Wanda Drayton
    Wanda Drayton
    This is great information, please provide some samples.
  • Sonia Chamblin
    Sonia Chamblin
    Do you a sample cover letter? Please advise.
  • David Eastman
    David Eastman
    Like all of you, I get very tired of writing cover letters. I now have perfected what I call the "cover paragraph". Short, sweet and interesting. This recent one for a Brand Manager position got me a call the moment the recruiter read it. If you think about it, there is no more exciting position than a Brand Manager. The Brand Manager gets to play God. Establish the brand. Market the brand. Select the audience to motivate, inspire, inform and influence to admire, love,seek and buy the brand. Compete against other brands and win. Be the brand on every one's list of the best-in-category,the top of the list in SEO searches, the exact 140 characters in a Twitter search, and, the easy purchase in a PayPal account. Take the brand from the company, to the city, to the state, to the nation and to the world. Raise the value of the brand above all others.Make the brand a known, profitable and successful winner. So, these are just a few of the things I can do. Thanks, David Eastman
  • Carol Pied
    Carol Pied
    Good Information but who do you write a  cover letter to when you have no name and can't get one ?I have been told "To Whom It May Concern", "Dear Hiring Manager"," To Department"  -what would be your suggestion ?
  • Roxane Mouchahwar
    Roxane Mouchahwar
    The information is a little useful.Not very specific on how to write one.
  • Ben Bamba
    Ben Bamba
    Great points you've underlined. I will take that into considerations and apply it to my job hunting. It would be helpful is an example of a good cover letter was added.
  • sharon
    I am amazed that many of the requests in the comments are requests for example cover letters. I believe the first comment in this article was to not use template cover letters, just like all the examples generally available.  Perhaps there are benefits when you shine through in your own letter?
  • Andrea
    Sounds like good advise, however, a example would help me a lot.
  • Michele Whitney
    Michele Whitney
    Great advice but can you provide examples of what you are suggesting.  
  • Bunice Wright
    Bunice Wright
    I have never done a cover letter before, please send me a copy of what a good cover letter would look like.
  • Nettie Campbell
    Nettie Campbell
    Thanks, your information is helpful.
  • Patsy Herring
    Patsy Herring
    Examples of what you are suggesting would be very helpful.
  • Connie Parker
    Connie Parker
    Great advice but it could be better if there were examples of what you are suggesting.
  • Delois Dozier
    Delois Dozier
    Good advice, but I, too, think that an example or two would be most helpful.
  • GlenP
    The first thing a recruiter is looking for is a reason not to hire you.  A cover letter is fine but say in your cover letter, as a sample, the influence that you can bring to a firm or company.  That is really what the financial officer has instructed the HR to look for.  It is all about the bottom line.
  • Angelo Liberati
    Angelo Liberati
    This is an informative article.  However, let's say their are 500 sets of cover letters and resumes' for one open position. Will the employer representative, in this example, look at the resumes' only, the cover letters only, or both, in order to widdle down a lot of paper in the form of potential candidates.
  • Natasha Goldman
    Natasha Goldman
    This is some good advice but it would be more helpful if we could see an example or two of what you are suggesting.
  • Todd
    This is great advice and I try to follow your suggestions but some times I dont have the time to be job specific as many postings dont give you enough info to go on anyways.
  • Karline Augustin
    Karline Augustin
    Is it possible to provide a good example of a cover letter so that I can get an idea of what you mean by an eye opening statement. Thanks.
  • Connie Hovda
    Connie Hovda
    Could you please provide an example of a good cover letter.
  • JP
    As I understand it, most Hiring Managers don't have the time or inclination to read a Cover Letter. Plus, if the resume is forwarded to others in the organization, chances are the Cover Letter will not be included.
  • Ron Christy
    Ron Christy
    Read the job description and base your cover letter on it. Point out a couple strong points you have pertaining to the position and let them know what an asset you would be to the company if given the opportunity.
  • Guenther Strunk
    Guenther Strunk
    Thanks for the good advice.  A comment about the opening - consider what is written or displayed in the header of the add - if the add for the job has an "attention-grabber" why not use it in your cover letter.
  • Sandra Stricker
    Sandra Stricker
    It would be very helpful if you posted an example of a good cover letter that covers the 5 important tips.
  • Linda Waggoner
    Linda Waggoner
    I believe I have a pretty good cover letter as I have been getting more responses in the last few weeks and have had some actual interviews that didn't involve insurance sales.I would like to know about a good opening sentence that would be "eye-catching".Thank you.
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