The Right Words To Get The Job You Want

Posted by in Career Advice

Are you looking for the right words to show your credentials and enthusiasm on a job interview? A job interview is a screening tool. Employers want to know if you will fit in. They are assessing whether they like you and if you are a good match for the position. The key to conveying that you are the ideal candidate is by doing your homework, going in, and then giving it your all. Leave your doubts at the door and focus on what the employer wants. That’s when you will be able to successfully explain why you are perfect for the job. So How Do You Find And Use The Right Words To Get The Job You Want? Follow These Five Steps Below: I. Prepare Before You Go Don’t expect to wing it on an interview. Prospective employers expect you to be prepared. Exceed their expectations. Find out everything you can before your interview begins. Start with the company’s website. Look for its history, its mission, annual reports,links to news stories and press releases. To research further, search engines provide a wealth of information. Newspapers and business journals will provide additional insight. Go to the library and ask for help - librarians usually know where the good resources are. You cannot over prepare. Prepare to the point where you are confident that you know about the company and what they offer to the world. II. Showcase Your Abilities Quickly When You Are There Stories are the best way to show how you have produced results for previous employers because they produce a visual description in the interviewer’s mind. If they can see what you’ve done, then they are more apt to want you to do the same thing for them too. Before you begin your story, ask questions to uncover an employers needs such as, “What is the biggest problem you are facing now?” Acknowledge the problem and tell the interviewer how you have overcome something similar. Go into the problem you were facing, the action you took to solve the problem, and the results you produced. Be concise and brief. You don’t want to lose the interest of your listener. Trust that if an interviewer needs more information, they will ask. III. Keep The Conversation Flowing Sometimes, prospective employers will not know what to say to you. Maybe they haven’t had much experience with interviews. Maybe they are distracted. Yet, they have a big say in whether you are hired or not. If you are faced with this situation, go on the offensive, and take control of the interview. Turn the interview around and ask the interviewer about themselves. What do they like or dislike about their position? What skills do they need to make their life easier? Get the conversation flowing. Once you get the interviewer talking, the interview process will be easier and more productive. IV. Ask The Right Questions Part of the interview is YOUR assessment of the company and the position. Just as the interviewer is assessing you, you are doing the same. Learn enough to determine if the job and company is a match for you. Questions are your pathway to information about the environment and the culture. Here are a few of those questions: 1. What are the specific duties I will be responsible for? 2. What challenges might I encounter if I take this job? 3. What would a typical day be like for the successful candidate? 4. How would you describe your management style? 5. What are the organization’s plans for the next 5 years? 6. Describe your ideal candidate. How do I measure up against that picture? Think about the answers you receive after the interview. Is this job right for you? This is important for you to determine. Don’t stop listening to yourself or your gut just because you need the job or the money or want the company on your resume. If you make choices in your career that go against who you are as a person and what’s important to you, these choices will come back and bite you later on. V. Follow-Up It’s acceptable to ask a potential employer if you can follow-up with them and when would be an appropriate time for doing so. It shows that you care about the position and about working there. Create a follow-up plan. Write the date and time for your next contact with the employer. Be sure you follow through. Your attitude and actions, from the time you first learn about an opportunity, until you get it, sets the tone for the type of individual you are, and what others can expect from you. So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!

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  • Jose Torres
    Jose Torres
    It`s incredable what one has to be prepared for, when looking for a job! This interview stage really covers interesting aspects which alerts us to the fact  that one has to be a self-seller and draw the attention of the potencial employer decision maker. I will surely take on your general tips...SO MUCH NEVER CROSSED MY MIND! Thank you for your support.
  • Staff Editor
    Staff Editor
    Laurie - check out the articles and blogs area for more information on interviewing. - Staff Editor
  • Laurie McDuffie
    Laurie McDuffie
    Thank you for the information about interviewing the employer.  It will be very helpful when I go on my upcoming interviews.  I would highly appreciate it if you could please send me more information about interviews on how to get better jobs.
  • Linda Vangellow
    Linda Vangellow
    Hi!This has been very helpful to me being, I am re-entering the job world again. I  had a phone call yesterday, 3/21/07, from a company that I applied to in Feb. This is some great info. thanks, for it has given me some confidance, & insight to interviewing, being its been some time for me also.
  • Francis  Onuche.
    Francis  Onuche.
    Hi thanks so much for this timely information i have been on my present job for about one year now I really desire a change. i know this information will be of great help in my next job interview.  please keep on the good job,i hope to read from you soon about career advancement.
    - Francis O.
  • Basile Le Grand Noujeu
    Basile Le Grand Noujeu
    Thank you so much for this information, it will help me for my next interview.
  • Vijay
    Hi,Thanks a lot. It is in fact a very valuable and reliable topic on how to handle an interview in our favour successfully. - Vijay
  • Derek Thompson
    Derek Thompson
    Thank you for this concrete, practical information.  It is very helpful. Thanks again.
  • Louis Gonsalves
    Louis Gonsalves
    I have a phone interview tomorrow the 22nd March, 2007 for a job I would like to get. Your suggestions on using the right words to get the job you want' is very timely. I thank you for the same and hope I can act accordingly when the time comes.
  • Donna Juarez
    Donna Juarez
    This has helped me look forward to getting back to the work place. it's been a long time since I interviewed for a job. It's been over a year since my last job. I have always been in sales. I started at the bottom &  worked my way up to managment. I thank you so much for all your information. I am really excited to get a new job and show my next employer I have what it takes to help a company grow and be the best at what they do,Thank you,Donna Juarez
  • udom
    Hi,I am excited about your valuable info. for job seekers. I am a chemical Engineer, right now I am working in a job i really dont like,pls how can you assist as I have been sending out plenty resumes but no one has invited me yet for an interview. ThanksUdom
  • She
    As I have just gotten a phone screening early this morning for a 500 company this information is very accurate to how I feel. Thank You very much for placing this gathering detailed information. It just reassures my Q&A's.
  • mrinal
    Thanks for the help by the information provided regarding interviews
  • Bernard Frank
    Bernard Frank
    Thank you for the tips on interviewing. I had my first interview yesterday, the 21st. There will be a second interview and your information on how to handle certain parts of the inteview will be a great help to me. Thanks again.
  • Karen
    Thank you for the shared information. I will put it good use on my next interview!I look forward to further tips and ideas to get that wonderful new job!Karen
  • Sylvia Jackson
    Sylvia Jackson
    Thank you for this information.  It has helped me to organized my thoughts, ideas and plans for interviewing.  I feel more in charge and confident.

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