5 Tech Trends that Topped the Field in 2011

Posted by in Technology

People who live, love and work in technology know what’s in and what’s out when it comes to tech trends. If you’re not hardcore enough to wait outside in line for days to score the latest incarnation of the iPad, iPod or Cally of Duty release you might not be as in the know.

Here’s a quick look at five of the top tech trends from 2011:

  • Smart TVs – People don’t want to just plug their TV into the wall anymore they want to plug it into the world. With smart TVs couch potatoes everywhere can eat, tweet and watch YouTube clips without needing to power up a PC. 
  • Dance Games – Playing games by pushing buttons? Puhleeze! That’s so 2010. Xbox Kinect, PlayStation Move, and Wii dance pad all encouraged gamers to get up off their butts and get into the action with music games the feature dancing and karaoke. 
  • High Tech Health – Wearable and interactive fitness is on the fast track to the top. From calorie counting and meal planning apps to pedometers, GPS, and heart rate monitors, tech in 2011 was all about keeping up with your training while on the go. 
  • Tablets <> – More convenient to tote than a laptop and easier to interact with than a phone, tablets took off this past year. Keeping people connected and entertained everywhere they go, it's more appealing than simply saving paper or squinting at information on the phone. 
  • Photo Apps – With the rise of access to digital cameras especially in cell phones the number of photographers has also increased. With that the trend of photo editing applications has also taken off. Everyone is able to manipulate the filters, editing effects, and built-in social media integration. 

What was your favorite tech trend for 2011?

Check back for a list of five more fads on the rise for 2012.

By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for Nexxt, she is co-founder of design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.

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