5 Secrets to Being Happy At Work

Posted by in Career Advice

As the job market makes a comeback, more and more people who have been quietly hating their jobs are starting to consider making a change. In fact, many job satisfaction surveys suggest that almost a third of workers are serious thinking about changing jobs.

Being happy at work is important for many reasons. When you're happy with what you do, you'll do a better job at it. It's much more likely that you'll be willing to go above and beyond in order to excel at your job. In addition, when you're satisfied at work, it carries over into your personal life and you have a higher quality of life. If you're unhappy at work, the reverse is also true. It doesn't take long before the job you hate makes you hate the rest of your life as well. Before you know it, you're making everyone around you miserable.

But what makes the difference between being happy at work or being miserable?

The small stuff - Believe it or not, it's most often the small, everyday hassles that make people the most dissatisfied with their jobs. It's common to assume that the big problems cause the most trouble, but it's just not true. What makes people unhappy are the irritations they face every day. For managers who want to improve employee moral, or the employee looking to improve their job satisfaction, identifying the irritants and finding easier ways to get things done can make a huge difference.

Fair pay - Believing that you are getting paid what you are worth is a huge part of job satisfaction. The larger the gap between what you think you ought to be paid and how much you make, the greater the dissatisfaction.

Meeting goals and recognition - We all like praise, but when you feel that you're reaching your goals and achieving things at work, it can make you feel happier and more optimistic about your career. Although there are certain fields where employees receive immediate praise, feedback and achievements, other positions that work in a supporting role might have trouble feeling as though they are a part of things.

Variety - They say that variety is the spice of life, and in the workplace, it's especially true. People like to be challenged and accomplish new things. If you're trying to increase your job satisfaction, look for new projects and complex jobs. They will provide you with a chance to do something new and can even boost your achievements as well, making you doubly happy.

Support - This is essential for long term job satisfaction. Knowing that the company you work for and you boss are in your corner goes a long way to making you happier at work. Feeling as though you are part of a team, receiving benefits that show you're valued and hearing encouragement all serve to make you more satisfied at work.

Are you happy in your job? Have you considered making a change? Why or why not?



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