5 Ways To Make A Killer First Impression

Posted by in Career Advice

Make the most of an interview.

As I am sure you already know, most people will judge you within seconds of meeting you. If they happen to run into you at a bad moment, it could take a long time for them to change their opinion of you. For example, if I met someone while I was standing in the Starbucks line waiting to order, they would have a much different impression of me than they would if they had met me while I was leaving with coffee in hand.

The thing with first impressions is that you only have one shot at it. This really adds pressure on situations like job interviews, networking events and any other professional interaction.

There is an entire group of scientist who have been studying the way that our brains work and the accuracy of snap judgements. In a book called "Blink" the author, Malcom Gladwell, talks about how we all make snap decisions and how, more often than not, they are pretty darn accurate.

So, how can you make sure that any snap decision about your professionalism, your aptitude for a job and your overall like-ability will be in your favor? Well, there are 5 things that you should consider before heading out to your next job interview:

Have a purpose - The first thing you have to do is commit to making a great first impression. On your way to your next interview, take a few moments to think about what you want someone to see about you. Remind yourself of your best qualities and imagine the sort of impression you want to make. It may sound silly, but it allows you to focus your energy and even calms your nerves.

Check your look - Wearing a professional outfit is really important on an interview, but think about your accessories too. Simple things like earrings, purses and shoes work together to make your image. Often people forget to think about what their watch or shoes say about them. When you are preparing for your next interview, don't just try on the outfit, instead try out the entire look and see how it works together.

Think about your body language - During the first few minutes of your interview, be aware of your body language. Don't slump or slouch and try to avoid gestures that make you look angry or defensive, like crossing your arms over your chest. It's so easy to forgetĀ  and let nerves take over, but nervous body language can make you appear to be less capable.

Watch out for bad days - If you're having a bad day, it's unlikely that it will get better without some serious effort on your part. If you are having a crummy day, don't dwell on it. Instead, look for ways to change your mood before going to the interview. It could be listening to your favorite songs and singing loudly in the car or watching funny videos. The goal is to get into a more social and upbeat mood.

Be curious - Often, especially when going on an interview, we focus so much on ourselves that we lose interest in the interviewer and the company. To avoid this, approach the interview with curiosity to learn more about the job. When you have a genuine interest in others, it shows and people are more likely to be interested in you.

Making a killer first impression isn't hard. It just requires some forethought and the determination to get it right.

What other things do you think are important when making a first impression? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for ManufacturingWorkersBlog and Nexxt. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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