Three Taboos for the Modern Workplace

John Scott
Posted by in Career Advice

As technology continues to reshape the modern workplace, rules of etiquette and behavior have to shift to accommodate the changes. However, there are several modern workplace taboos that remain constant and broadly applicable no matter where you work. Take a look at these three big no-no behaviors, and make a vow to eradicate them from your own workplace.

Making Promises But Not Delivering

If you've worked with someone who breaks this taboo, you already know how frustrating it is. How often do you hear complaints about people who say, "Let me get back to you on that," and never follow through? Making promises but failing to deliver is more than an irritation; it's an office "don't." It takes many forms. You find yourself not finishing projects, making excuses for missed deadlines, stalling on vendor payment, or avoiding emails and calls. When you see these things, take a long look at yourself, and stop the behavior. Make a list of every overt or implied promise, and develop a follow-up schedule. If the problem is simply one of time management, enlist the help of a colleague to guarantee your follow-through. If failure to deliver on promises is endemic to your entire workplace, find a diplomatic way to bring it up to your boss. This is not only a workplace taboo. It's self-defeating behavior that hurts you and makes it harder for your entire office to function.

Lying on the Job

When the topic of lying at work comes up, most people probably think about lying on resumes. Of course it is important to be truthful when applying for a job, but the need to tell the truth continues once you start the job. One significant workplace taboo involving lying occurs when someone takes credit for someone else's work. The need to do your own work doesn't end once you're out of school. Take responsibility for your own work, and give credit freely where credit is due. A workplace in which people admire each other's work is more productive and more pleasant to be around.

Treating Colleagues Inappropriately

Sexual harassment is one of the biggest workplace taboos. When you're at work, romance is an automatic office "don't" even if both parties are interested. Pursuing someone who isn't interested or engaging in inappropriate physical contact is even worse. This is one workplace taboo that is backed up by law and company policy with severe penalties for violation. Beyond sexual harassment is the issue of respect. If you see people spreading rumors about colleagues or find yourself doing it, you are in an unhealthy environment and contributing to it. It's time to stop.

One of the best ways to make sure workplace taboos aren't cropping up in your office is to formulate specific policies designed to stop the bad behavior. Go one step beyond policy, and set a good example of how to behave at work.


(Photo courtesy of pakorn /


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