Top Three Priorities for Today's Job Seekers

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Many of today's job seekers no longer search for just any position. The push to find work that fulfills them both personally and professionally has hit an all-time high as applicants evaluate whether or not opportunities offer a good fit for them. Learn the top three priorities of potential employees to ensure your company positions itself to attract the best talent.

1. The Benefits Matter

It is no secret the position must offer job seekers a challenge and ability to make an impact, however, benefits also matter to potential employees. In fact, the Fast Company 2016 Talent Trends study pinpoints big-ticket benefits, such as health care packages, as a determining factor when applicants make choices between opportunities. The survey revealed three-quarters of workers in the U.S. value the type of health care provided by the company over smaller benefits, such as flexible schedules, parental leave and on-site day care. These smaller benefits do still matter to some applicants, but the big-ticket benefits prove much more influential, according to the 26,000 employees surveyed.

As an employer, you can supplement the benefits provided with small perks, too. For example, the Talent Trends survey revealed smaller benefits help with retention. Inquire with your employees about the type of benefits they desire, such as gym memberships, company events, on-site food and organized happy-hour celebrations. All these perks can help to solidify your internal culture and enhance the environment to further inspire and motivate your staff.

2. The Fulfilled Mission

Every company should have a crafted mission statement and a list of goals. Job seekers, especially, express interest in learning which values drive the company's operation when they interview for a position. Make sure your mission is something you can fulfill and a value your employees subscribe to when working with clients. Identify the brand of your company culture. For example, the Talent Trends survey revealed Ben & Jerry's has branded the company as a social justice establishment, encouraging philanthropy work among employees and investing in fair trade ingredients. Job seekers evaluate the social brand of the company when determining whether or not to apply.

3. The Company Culture

The relationships within your company matter to job seekers. Evaluate how your staff works together, develops teams and fosters a culture rich in cohesiveness, friendliness and motivation. Utilize your current employees to serve as ambassadors, representing the culture of the company. Build an internal brand you can advertise to attract qualified candidates. Encourage your employees to become active within the community and promote your culture to build a positive impression.

Job seekers are not only interested in how they can develop their skills on the job, but also how they fit personally and professionally within companies. Put your company's benefits, culture and brand in the spotlight when interviewing potential candidates to cultivate the best talent possible.

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