Ways to Advance Quickly in Your Company

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

People who climb the corporate ladder quickly don't do so by accident. Usually, they follow a plan of action that greatly increases their chances of advancing their careers fast. Achieving great success within your industry doesn't have to take years. Follow these four tips if you want to quickly make strides in your career.

1. Choose the Right Company

Before making attempts to climb the corporate ladder, it's essential to determine if your company offers the advancement opportunities you're seeking. If your employer just laid off 100 workers due to budget cuts or is in the midst of a hiring freeze, climbing the corporate ladder fast is probably not an option. However, if you work for a company in an emerging industry that's experiencing lightning-fast growth, the odds are definitely in your favor. For some, following this tip might require switching employers, and that's okay. You might have to jump ship and seek new opportunities to achieve your goal of advancing your career fast.

2. Find a Career Mentor

No matter how skilled or driven you are, it's important to have a career mentor who can help you navigate the corporate world and give you deep insight into your industry. A good mentor helps you identify opportunities for growth you might have overlooked and lets you know which skills and abilities you should expand upon to boost your chances of climbing the corporate ladder. Great career mentors also help guide you through challenging times in your career and are usually generous with providing inside knowledge, tips and advice. Career mentors can be retired professionals within your industry, former college professors or even someone who works for your organization.

3. Stand Out

One of the greatest ways to climb the corporate ladder fast is to be an asset to the organization. Stand out among other workers by proving you're not just there to earn a paycheck. Perform at a high level each day, and never hesitate to go above and beyond the call of duty. Arrive to work early or stay late to help your boss complete an important project. Offer to work on your day off if the company would benefit from your assistance. If you truly want to stand out, solve a company problem. Research the organization thoroughly to find out about its major shortcomings, and come up with a solid solution that can help shift the company in a new and better direction.

4. Build Solid Relationships

Relationships are key when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder. Network continuously within your organization, and join associations and other industry groups to meet even more people in your field. Stay connected to the individuals you meet by sharing important information with them, volunteering for events and maintaining a strong online presence. The more influential people you're connected to within your industry, the better your chances of advancing your career fast.

Achieving great career success within a short period of time is definitely possible, especially if your company offers ample growth opportunities. Stand out within your organization to capture the attention of decision-makers, and continue to build solid relationships with people who can help you quickly climb the corporate ladder.

Photo courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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