Why Remote Workers Are Good for Business

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

Management teams often explore strategies to produce productive employees and enhance morale. One strategy that has been successful for many companies is hiring remote workers or allowing employees to work from home periodically or full time. As a result, businesses have found that offering convenience can increase the completion of tasks, complement the workflow and produce happier employees.

Businesses that offer flexibility by incorporating remote workers into the company's practices may find that employee loyalty increases. A Stanford study reported that employees at several call centers who worked from home took shorter breaks, used less sick leave and outperformed their peers working traditionally in an office setting, according to Christina DesMarais with Inc.com. Remote workers surveyed in the study were less likely to quit because they experienced higher levels of happiness with the flexibility provided by their employers.

The flexibility and convenience of working from home can also reduce the stress level of employees, thus improving their attitude, effort and motivation for completing tasks. Employees who work from home aren't rushed for time to get ready in the morning and battle traffic during a commute before beginning their workday. As a result, remote workers are likely to be more engaged and happy due to lower stress levels.

Businesses benefit significantly when opting to allow employees to work from home. For example, when hiring, companies can potentially access people with more relevant experience and better skills when expanding the scope of the search to different geographic areas. Individuals who live in Kansas can work remotely for an office located in California. The company may also benefit from offering wages that are in line with the cost of living for the area where the employee lives. Savings are inevitable when a corporate office is located in California and the employee lives in a geographic region with a lower cost of living such as Kansas.

In addition to happier employees and a broader pool of remote workers, businesses can cut costs on utilities and real estate. With fewer people in the office, the need for larger workspaces, expensive equipment and the expanded use of utilities is no longer necessary. Instead of housing costly servers, businesses can utilize cloud technology that all employees can access from remote locations. Videoconferencing also simplifies meetings to ensure all productive employees are in line with the goals and mission of the company.

Productivity and profitability rely heavily on business strategies that offer employees flexibility and convenience. Remote workers often report higher job satisfaction because they feel trusted to work independently, thus providing a natural motivation to improve performance and productivity. Businesses benefit, too, when hiring employees remotely with overall savings and improved company morale, which is bound to impact the overall branding and reputation of the business.

Photo courtesy of anankkml at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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  • Evangeline N.
    Evangeline N.

    I think the option of being on site and working remote during the week provides the best environment for everyone. Teams that can collaborate in person build relationships and foster productivity. While working remote can actually afford a more focused environment. The key is the flexibility to mix things up.

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @James sometimes that may be true but not always. Sometimes there are tasks that need to be done but not necessarily from the "on site" location even if the position is not a great revenue generating one. Especially when you think of social media in today's world. Many sites post articles and blogs on their sites - as well as allow comments like we do here. These are not revenue generating per se, outside of maybe a small PPC, but they do attract people to the site - a chance for the company to now generate revenue. I think that as time goes on and the issue with our carbon footprint grows into larger issues, more companies will consider hiring remote workers. It will be interesting to see what the workplace looks like even in five years from now.

  • James Ewing
    James Ewing

    Not necessarily true. I was recently laid off from an international mortgage servicing company because I was working remotely. Once a company has invested in "on site" facilities and resources, employees working remotely are seen as additional overhead if they are not in revenue generating positions.

  • Nancy A.
    Nancy A.

    @James thanks for that. As a virtual employee I certainly have to agree! But I caution to anyone else reading this, that being a virtual employee is not for everyone. I have seen it time and time again where a person begs to be able to work from home only to find out (usually rather quickly) that working in isolation is not for them. If you think you might want to be a virtual employee, ask your supervisor if you can work from home one day per week and see how that goes and then you can decide if it's for you.

  • JAMES S.
    JAMES S.

    As the former CFO of a 98% virtual company, I can say for certain virtual workers are the BEST.

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