Your Boss Doesn't Want To Hear These

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Better communication is the key to better work relationships, and this is especially important when it comes to your relationship with your boss. Improving that relationship increases your chances for promotions and salary raises. Choose your words carefully to present a positive image, and avoid these common statements that many managers find annoying.

That's Not My Fault

Your boss probably doesn't care whose fault a problem or mistake is. He just wants a quick solution. If you frequently blame coworkers or circumstances for issues, you end up being remembered as the negative person who never wants to help fix anything. Instead, use better communication techniques, and offer to be part of the solution with a smile irregardless of how or why the problem occurred. Of course, if something really is your mistake, it is a good idea to admit it and then move on to making things better as best as you can.

That's Not My Job

Although you may have a specific written job description, being flexible is a great way to increase your skills and improve your status with your boss. This is especially important if you work in a team environment. Teams work best when everyone is helping each other, and this might require stepping outside of your comfort zone. Be open to both learning how to do new things, which can improve your value to the organization, and helping with the grunt work, which shows your team-player spirit.

So-and-so Used to Do It This Way

For best results, never compare your boss to anyone else. Your boss has the right to do things however he wants, and he does not need to match his style to your former boss, whether that is his predecessor or your manager at another organization. If you truly think your boss is doing something wrong or making a mistake, it is fine to give advice or helpful hints, especially if he is new to the position. Just be sure to use better communication techniques that do not compare or bring up other managers.

You Didn't Tell Me

Maybe your boss did forget to give you an instruction, but it isn't going to put you on his good side to point that out. Instead, simply complete whatever needs to be done. Try to be more proactive in the future to avoid similar situations. If this happens frequently, use better communication techniques by setting up a meeting with your boss to discuss your responsibilities. It could be that your manager simply expects you to be more of a self starter or that you don't have a good understanding of everything that your job entails.

That's Not Fair

Again, making comparisons is not a good way to share your needs with your boss. If you really dislike how your boss treats you, use better communication to present your case clearly explaining exactly what you would like to change. Be open to negotiation and really listen to your boss's side of the story.

Help ensure a great work environment by talking to your boss like a fellow professional without whining or resorting to schoolyard complaints. By using better communication techniques you can foster an excellent work relationship with your supervisor, improve your job stability and increase your chances of moving up in your organization.

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  • Tracey M.
    Tracey M.

    go the distance the extended ---branch, leaf, and other analogous scenarios. All employers will appreciate the employees/end user that improvises and makes addl provs in design to improve the gui and clientele/customer exp (product.svc)

  • Tracey M.
    Tracey M.

    either you are a part of the problem or part of the solution. It would be wise to have two or more options for resolve with coming to announce an issue. How would solve the equation for an example

  • Margaret Rene Williams
    Margaret Rene Williams

    I always teach my nursing students to NEVER say 'I don't know'. Instead say 'let me see if that (report, whatever) is ready' or 'let me check on that' especially when dealing with doctors.

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