Already have a job? Searching for a new one is still a good idea.

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

I looked for a job this morning. Okay, full disclosure: working for Beyond, part of my job is to search Beyond and other job sites, so that we can develop better ways to help people advance in their careers.

But, here's a secret. Sometimes I actually look with a little bit of interest. Don't tell Rich, our founder and CEO! But when I see a really good CMO job pop up in our alerts, I'll take a deeper look to find out more about it. And I know I’m not alone. According to our research, most people are still checking out new jobs while employed.

My advice to companies? Embrace it, don’t fear it. What do you really want from for your team? People who are unhappy, but afraid of change? People there mostly because of inertia? No. You want dynamism! You want people who choose to be on your team; people who keep tabs on the marketplace and decide the job they have is the job they definitely want. 

Every few years, I tend to get an itch for change, so I might look at a few more of the jobs that pop up, and maybe even chat with a recruiter to see what the market is like for my expertise. Based on my experience,  I have some advice for other professionals who might be thinking of “testing the market:"

1) Subscribe to career alerts to keep tabs on what jobs are available in your field.

Looking at what’s out there is healthy. Hey, we all have days where we fall into a work funk. Casual job-searching can be better than a vacation for helping you to recharge and recommit to your current position.

2) Keep your resume up to date.

The process of refining your resume forces you to evaluate what you are accomplishing — is it enough? Is it what you want to be doing, what you thought you’d be doing where you are? If you aren't happy with what your revised resume is telling you, then maybe you need to change your focus at work.

3) Interviewing with other companies is awesome primary research.

Every conversation is an opportunity to gain first-hand insight into best practices at other companies that you can apply in your current role. And hey, don't feel bad about this — they may be interviewing you for the same reason!

The best time to look for a new job is actually while you are happily employed. But, this doesn’t mean you have to look to leave. Look to stay. The process of searching for jobs, updating your resume, and talking with other companies will definitely help you in your current company and position. And, should the time come when you believe it really is time for a change, you'll be well prepared.


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  • GALO M.
    GALO M.

    Insightful and very true. There are times when the right door will open and it might be the lead that you need.

  • janice robinson
    janice robinson

    love this advise, inspired!


    Bestf advise.

  • Nan J.
    Nan J.

    Greatly inspired!

  • Rafael B.
    Rafael B.

    very good

  • richard brian a.
    richard brian a.

    she needs to be picked up and cuddled because she is crying.

  • LINDA W.
    LINDA W.

    Really love the picture, seems to be pure frustration in search for a job, it's a full time event!

  • Catherine C.
    Catherine C.

    I love the picture!


    Search is a 50% of the full time job. You suggest to keep you busy 150% all the time?

  • Kevin D.
    Kevin D.

    Working for what at the time was a Fortune 5 company taught me one thing: never lose sight of your value outside of your current organization.

  • Jamesetta M.
    Jamesetta M.

    I just read your Article and It really was inspiring to me, it gave out great advise and detail as to how to look for a job while still employed thank you for such an uplifting and knowledgable article God Bless you.


    There is a passive search and active. The importance of any search is to continue regardless of your circumstances

  • Lynden W.
    Lynden W.

    That is very good advice.

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