Answer These Questions Before Accepting That Job Offer

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Receiving a job offer can be exciting, but it's important not to rush into a decision on whether to accept it. Before you take a job offer, ask yourself the following questions to find out if the position is right for you.

First, ask yourself whether you would be happy carrying out the job requirements. Review the job description carefully so you understand exactly what you need to do every day. If there are any activities listed you know you hate, can you learn to enjoy them? If not, this might not be the right job for you.

Can you get along with your new boss and co-workers? Now that the interview is over and you have had the opportunity to meet some of the people you would be working with, how do you think you would fit into the office culture at this organization? It's important to be friendly with your co-workers and feel like you fit in at work. Being around negative, whiny or bullying co-workers every day can create a toxic working environment and increase your stress levels.

You also need to consider practical issues, such as how you plan to travel to work and the hours you are expected to spend in the office. If you have to commute, how much of an impact do you expect it to have on your family and social life? During the interview, it is a good idea to ask your potential employer how many hours most people in the office work, as the number can be quite different than that listed in the job description. If the interviewer tells you most employees end up staying late more often than they leave on time, think very carefully before accepting the job offer.

Compensation is also important. Can you live comfortably on the salary associated with your job offer? What about other benefits, such as health care or yearly bonuses? How do they compare to jobs you have had in the past? Before accepting any job offer, talk to others in your household about what the new job is likely to mean for your financial situation. This way, everyone in your home knows what to expect.

Finally, ask yourself whether this job has the potential to help you progress in your career. Are there opportunities for promotion? Are you likely to gain valuable skills and experiences? If the answer to all of these questions is "yes," accepting the job offer is probably a wise decision.

Even if you are delighted to receive a job offer, give yourself a little time to think it over before you accept the position. You need to consider whether the job offer is right for you, including what effect it is likely to have on your personal life and your career.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at



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