Avoid Shrinking Thinking

Posted by in Career Advice

Have you ever heard comments like “I don’t think it is possible” or “It is better to play it safe than sorry.” How about, “No one has ever been able to do that before, and it is not likely that they will any time soon.”

What these comments conjure up are images of timidity and failure. They communicate images of hopelessness and fear. Using these kinds of words in your daily vocabulary are predecessors to choking the life out of your dreams and aspirations.

Start Taking the Right Steps
There is no room for this kind of internal or external dialogue if you are going to find the kind of new career that will lead to your dream job. This kind of “shrinking thinking” is not for you. So, how do you eliminate this kind of mind set? It is like the saying “The man on top of the mountain just didn’t fall there! He took one step at a time until he reached the top.” You must do the same. You must start taking the right steps and keep on taking them until you are successful.

Thoughts Are the Starting Point
Remember, the thoughts you think will determine the words you speak. The words you speak will influence the actions you take, and the actions you take will determine the experiences you have in life.

The first step in eliminating “shrinking thinking” from your life is to get a clear picture of what you really want to accomplish in your career.

Set Goals
The beginning of the year is a great time to look back and see what you accomplished over the last twelve months and to set some really big goals for the next twelve months. Get out a pen and pad of paper, or get on your computer, and write out some big career goals that will put a smile on your face and a wad of money in your bank account. I dare you!

Take Action
Once you have the goals written down, write out three things you can do to start moving towards accomplishing them. Get into action and take them one step at a time. If you need to get some help to get into action, hire a coach or call a friend. The main thing is to do something. So, no more “shrinking thinking,” your future is waiting to be written and you are the author.

If you are interested in a better career in manufacturing visit www.manufacturingworkers.com

Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more profitable by increasing their value and lowering their costs through the professional development of their managers and employees.

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