Clear your Cache of Cliché Interview Questions Answers

Posted by in Career Advice


An interview is a limited amount of time that allows you to meet with a company representative and demonstrate what differentiates you from the competition. So why, like so many other candidates answer their questions with the same answers that everyone else gives?


Lots of lists online offer advice on what they think interviewers want to hear. Job seekers take these suggestions to heart and regurgitate verbatim the general suggestions that are made most across the web.


“Hard worker” – It’s not hard work to say you’re a hard worker. Cite specific examples of projects you poured your all into and the results that came from your labor.


“Team player” – Sometimes saying that you’re a team player sends the message that you’re a follower without a lot of original ideas. Every company needs worker bees to get the ground floor jobs finished but they would rather hire people who shine. Don’t yoke yourself to the team. Tout your communication skills and congeniality by describing how your actions enhanced the working environment for everyone.


“Loyal to a fault” – Society has long passed the days where people retire from the company that gave them their first job. We live in a transient world and it’s insulting to an interviewer’s intelligence to assume they believe you wouldn’t leave if a better offer came along. Instead list personal experience you’ve had with the company and their business practices that you find endearing.


“Do anything” – If you really would do ANYTHING then you’re probably not the kind of employee they are looking for to represent the company. If they have several openings find back up options that you are qualified for as well to suggest if you are turned down for the original position.


“Perfectionist” – When asked about weaknesses applicants offer the answer “perfectionist” so often interviewers barely hear it at all anymore. Find a real flaw that is related to job performance and explain why it’s a weakness and what you’re doing to correct it.


“Perfect fit” – Unless you were custom made for them via artificial intelligence or genetic manipulation then you are not likely to be the perfect fit with any company. The truth is perfect is pretty much impossible so suggest that you are excited to get going and find your fit.


When you stumble across clichés as you strive to improve your job search skills, remember that these phrases weren’t meant to stand alone. They are predecessors to the actual answer, the details that back up the statement.  For best results drop the cliché and just offer the explanation.



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