Follow These Ten Tips To Achieve Your Life Goals

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Movie montages can make you forget that you cannot achieve life goals with a brief burst of determination. The most rewarding accomplishments often involve setbacks and frustrations, tempting you to throw in the towel. If you want to stay motivated, follow these practical tips to turn your life goals into real achievements.

1. Know Your Purpose

Strengthen your sense of accountability early on by evaluating the benefits and consequences of pursuing a life goal. Long-term commitment comes from knowing what you're willing to risk and endure to reach the finish line, so decide what's at stake and let that inner purpose fuel your ambition.

2. Remove Distractions

Getting rid of old bad habits is the key to establishing new, beneficial ones. Make a list of mental and environmental distractions that have held you back in the past, and make a plan to eliminate those conflicting elements in stages.

3. Develop a System

Life goals aren't sustainable without an action plan. Divide your larger goal into small, achievable milestones, and plot out the steps to complete each task. Taking it one step at a time helps you make steady progress and earn gratification more frequently, instead of getting overwhelmed and quitting.

4. Gamify Milestones

Boredom and dissatisfaction are motivation killers. Stay interested in life goals by turning your activities and milestones into a game. Keep the experience fun by competing with friends or using creating incentives for yourself.

5. Raise the Stakes

Many life goals seem unattainable because you aren't willing to take risks. Consider the worst obstacles you're likely to face, and think of creative solutions to those problems. Thinking in crisis-management mode can help you approach your challenge in an unexpected way that may lead to better results.

6. Embrace Learning

Focus on discovering new things and expanding your abilities, rather than being obsessed with results. The passion and self-improvement you gain from chasing a life goal can steer you toward beneficial opportunities.

7. Review and Revise

Give yourself permission to modify your life goals based on what you have learned. Improving your self-awareness can help you refine your path and stop wasting energy on objectives that no longer add value to your life.

8. Compete With Yourself

Personal doubts trigger negative thoughts, especially when you fail. Instead of surrendering to your internal antagonist, stay motivated by gradually increasing the difficulty of life goals until you surpass previous efforts.

9. Diversify

Keep your energy level high by switching up your activities. Whether you want to shed pounds, increase sales or land a new job, brainstorm different ways to work toward your goal, making it easier to maintain interest.

10. Strive for Balance

Remember to enjoy occasional breaks from your goal-setting activities to avoid burnout. Learn to recognize signs of low engagement or drive, and balance your schedule with activities that boost your spirit, energy and creativity.

Every life goal requires a degree of sacrifice, and you have to be willing to change any behavior or mentality that once held you back. Set yourself up for success by sharing your goals with people you trust, and learn from the experiences of those who have faced similar challenges.

Photo courtesy of pakorn at


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