For Better HR, Stop Avoiding IT

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Human Resources

The human resources (HR) department plays an active role in practically every aspect of a company, keeping it functioning at its maximum potential, so it's important for the department to continually improve. While new human resources tips can help your department improve, it's imperative that you work closely with your company's information technology (IT) department to improve office communication and make sure your software is up to date.

When your company's management team and human resources department work together, it makes hiring and training new employees, monitoring employee production, and handling difficult employee issues easier. There are numerous human resources tips that teach you how to communicate better. However, by working with your company's IT department, you can make sure you have office software that keeps the management team and HR department on the same page. Many companies are allowing their IT departments to upgrade from on-site software to cloud-hosted software.

If you keep track of popular human resources tips and advances in technology, you'll know that many HR departments have benefited from using cloud-hosted software. According to a survey completed by Constellation Research, companies of all sizes are transitioning to a software as a service (SaaS) platform. Email applications, calendar applications, and human resources software are the three types of cloud-hosted software that company owners are the most interested in purchasing. Because SaaS is hosted online, employees access the software via an Internet browser.

A SaaS platform allows you to complete all of your job duties from the same system, streamlining your day-to-day operation. Depending on the software firm your company's IT expert chooses to use, some of the SaaS software features that may benefit the HR department are listed below:

  • Track the amount time your employees work
  • Process payroll
  • Track employee performance
  • Establish team and company goals
  • Analyze your company's staffing needs

In addition, the software gives the HR department and the management team access to the same employee information, making it easier to complete annual employee reviews, track disciplinary actions, and ensure that each team is properly staffed.

In addition to working with your company's IT team to upgrade your company's software, many human resources tips encourage you to have someone familiar with information technology on your HR team. With technology constantly changing, this is probably one of the most important human resources tips you can follow. Having someone familiar with technology and the structure of an IT department on your HR staff benefits your department and makes it easier to hire people to work in your IT department.

Both human resources and information technology play a huge role in the success of a company. By improving office communication, working with your IT department, and implementing things you learn by reading new human resources tips, your HR department will run smoothly every day.

(Photo courtesy of Ambro /


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