Is it Really Worth it to Send a Thank You Note?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

A somewhat common misconception for job seekers is that thank-you notes are old-fashioned and outdated. In fact, less than 5 percent of job candidates send out these tokens of appreciation during the job search. Candidates who do take the time and effort to send a note or email to hiring managers, however, stand out above the rest, which is why you should make this practice the norm when seeking your dream job.

Hiring managers seek candidates with positive qualities, professional etiquette and good manners, explains Certified Career Professional Meg Guiseppi with Work Coach Cafe. Job seekers should gather a box of thank-you notes and postage stamps and begin using them regularly, suggests Guiseppi.

Thank-you notes leave a lasting impression with potential employers. Send a follow-up note to thank interviewers for their time. Ask potential employers to keep you in mind for the position and mention highlights of the conversation during the interview to remind the interviewer of your skills and qualifications for the position. Job candidates can also reinforce their value proposition and personal brand when writing a follow-up note to hiring managers.

Well-written thank-you notes also offer candidates the opportunity to outline soft and hard skills that were not addressed in the interview. Outline an accomplishment that was not discussed during the interview or highlight skills and interests you were unable to squeeze into the conversation. Remind the hiring manager why you are the best fit for the job and reiterate how your values, positive attitude and ability to work as a team fit well with the company culture.

Write the follow-up note immediately after the interview so that the information you want to convey is fresh in your mind. Avoid using a generic template; instead, personalize the letter to make a connection with the hiring manager. Compliment the company, thank the interviewer for considering you for the job, and show how you can improve processes, procedures and the bottom line as a valued employee.

Thank-you notes also give candidates the opportunity to inquire about the next step in the interview process. Request a second interview, or detail your plans to follow-up with a phone call or e-mail within the next week to inquire about a hiring decision. Show eagerness and confidence when writing a follow-up note, and remind the potential employer that you have the skills and experience to benefit the company as a whole.

Employers spend countless hours interviewing multiple candidates. However, individuals who take the time to send thank-you notes often stand out from other candidates. Secure a spot as the desired person for the position by showing your eagerness and confidence from the start of the job search to the moment you accept the job.

Photo Courtesy of Naypong at



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