Long Term Plans and Job Choices - Sample Questions: Part 8

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Welcome to another episode of things you might be faced with in the job interview process. This is part eight of an ongoing series looking at some potential questions you may be asked when seeking a position in the logistics field, with some that are possibilities for most any job interview. This series started HERE if you want to go back and start with part one.

So, how might you answer a question along the lines of "How long do you think you'll work for this company if hired?" This is similar to the "where do you see yourself in five years" style of question, though a bit more direct and to the point. People take "stepping stone" jobs for experience, with the expectation to look and find a more permanent position elsewhere later. Companies know this, and may use questions like this to possibly flush out that kind of employee. The important thing here is to not appear to be just a transient employee, but word the answer to be seen as someone who is looking to start a career. Discuss your long term goals for your career with the company, and how you desire to excel and progress up the ladder, with plans to be around for the long-haul. Keep your answer short and to the point.

Most of you job hunters most likely have multiple applications out there, and may go on many interviews in a short amount of time. If you have two or more companies that respond and make a job offer to you, what criteria will you use to make the decision? Will it be based strictly on salary and benefits, or other aspects like long term career goals, location, type of position, etc.? Would you take a position that pays more money but is less fulfilling and located further away, instead of a location closer for less pay doing something that really excites you? Have you given much thought to this type of a scenario?

Your interviewer may ask something along this same line, about what will be the deciding factor for you if faced with multiple job offers. You may be inclined to tell them what you think they want to hear, about how their company would be your first choice, etc. Try to resist such a temptation, and instead, be truthful without misleading anyone. Most likely, by the time you'd reach a question like this, you have probably already had a chance to discuss what you consider to be your ideal job, your long term desires, etc. Simply recall these type of points and state that it would be by using these points as a guideline that you would seek to determine which company would be the best fit for you and your desired career path. Stay away from answers like "whichever pays me more" or other such surface level answers, and stick with professional and career oriented answers.

As always, if you have been out there in the interview field, and have some other points to share on your experiences and what you have found to be commonplace in the interview process, please share your comments below to share with others.

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, mail order book store manager, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Logistics Jobsite blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.


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