Made in USA Products Have a Strong Appeal

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Manufacturing

Marketing products and materials to American consumers while emphasising that they are made in America is a great selling point. There are many consumers that are specifically looking for products branded with a label stating that item was made in America or that a majority of the materials and components inside of it where. With the economy unstable and unemployment rates high, there are a few reasons why people want to buy American.

Higher Quality Expectations

A poll for Industry Edge conducted in 2013 shows that 42 percent of Americans feel like they are purchasing a higher quality product when they buy something that was made in America. Selling or offering products that are made in America, or composed of primarily American-made parts, could help attract buyers that are looking for a higher quality product. The FDA has high standards on materials and products that are produced in the United States. Some people feel that products constructed here are guaranteed to be safer and that the products won’t contain dangerous toxins like lead.

Economic Appeal

There are many who select products that are created in America to support the economy. For example, purchasing an American made appliance helps the business that sells it, the company that manufactures it, the company that designs it and the employees of that company. People want to keep Americans at work in the plants that manufacture the products, and they want to keep businesses that sell these products open and running successfully.

By making the choice to buy something American made, even when shopping online, Americans feel they are helping the people in the area where the manufacturing occurs. This is also true of the next generation of Americans. Marketing American made to boost the economy is a great tactic on or off line.

Price Control

The items that come from other continents have to be shipped to America, which increases the price from items that can be purchased locally. Some consumers believe that purchasing products made in America and filling the stores with local products helps keep prices lower. It’s also easy to assume that the more items that are sold, the easier it is for the manufactures to keep the prices lower.

Fewer Warranty or Return Complications

Customers may not want to deal with sending an item to get fixed if they know it has to take a trip overseas. People may buy products made in America because they can get new parts or have services completed more quickly from local suppliers.

When selling or marketing a product that is primarily or entirely constructed in the United States, highlight the fact that it is made in America. This can attract buyers, and it also helps your brand or company show it's support for the nation.


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