Researching New Careers

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Are you ready for a change? Have you been interested in researching new career choices? Deciding on whether or not to leave your chosen career path for something new is always an intimidating thought. It is important that you thoroughly research the possibilities and consider what it will take for you to get to where you desire.

Often times, people begin their careers and wonder how they got there. Some decide that they aren't as interested in the route they chose anymore. Whatever the reason, they begin researching new career choice possibilities.

By creating a list of all the things that interest you as well as all the things that do not, you will have a platform to build off of. You may notice that some of the things on the list are already part of what you're doing. Nonetheless, use this list to help you to begin researching career choices.

As you begin researching the careers that interest you, consider the skill sets you already have. Do they apply to the new career choices you are looking into? If necessary, are you willing to relocate or go back to college to commit to this new career choice? There are many things to take into consideration. For example, if you are currently an attorney for a law firm, but have an interest in becoming a writer, you could combine your skill sets and knowledge by becoming a writer for law firms. This is referred to as transferable skills.

Transferable skills refer to a crucial technique for those considering a change of career. This is when you compare the experience you have with the experience necessary for the new career being considered. Typically, you will have more experience than you realize, and the transition will come easy. Many community colleges offer courses and certificate programs that could help you acquire the knowledge you are missing to make the big change.

As the hunt for new career choices continues, take notes and absorb all that you have read. Go to the library and use the Internet to thoroughly conduct your research. Ask others who are currently working in the fields you have been considering. Networking is perhaps one of the greatest ways to take the leap from your current career path to a whole new endeavor. While the opinions of others might be a little biased, they will certainly give you an insider's view, which would be difficult to find through research.

Don't get frustrated while researching careers. If you are going to make a change, go for something that truly interests you, something that you feel will ultimately make you happy. Try not to focus too much on the monetary gains or losses unless they're drastic. Usually, there is a viable way to make money in all industries. It all depends on how much you want to flourish in your new career.


Photo courtesy of KellyB. at



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