The Best 8 Tips For Getting a Job When You Have Been Unemployed for a Long Time. Part 2

Posted by in Career Advice

Getting back on the job market after having been unemployed for a long time can be tough. Here are some tips to help.

When you have been unemployed for a long period of time, trying to find a new job can feel a lot like clawing your way out of a hole. The longer you are out of work, the bigger the hole seems. Climbing out takes strength, determination, a whole lot of help from friends and some hard work. Here are some things that can help you get a leg up on the climb. Last time we covered tips 1-4, and here are tips 5-8:

  • Find a your passion, start a project – Even if you haven't had luck finding a full time job, think about what your passions are, and get involved volunteering. There are many places that could really use help, and volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, get back into the swing of working and will give you an amazing opportunity to meet new people and build your network. Also, when you interview for the job you really want, it is better to have something to point to when you are talking about what you did while you were unemployed. Employers want to see that you are still working, even if it isn't paid work.

  • Hone your interview skills – Now that the job market is starting to look up, it is even more important to practice for your interview. When you have been out of work for a long time and are feeling discouraged, it is hard to show up to an interview and “wow” them. Sharpen your skills and practice your interview skills.

  • Sell yourself and your skills – When you get a chance to interview with a potential employer, use your unemployment period to your advantage and sell yourself as someone who will work hard to prove themselves. Use your desire to never be unemployed again to fuel your determination and enthusiasm.

  • Work hard on acting positive – Even if it is hard, get rid of any bitterness. Trust me, I know how hard it is when you have bills piling up and kids to feed. The desperation of not knowing what is going to go wrong next can be hard to set aside. But the truth is, the bitterness and stress will make you less attractive to a new employer. Even if you have to act hopeful and happy, when you aren't feeling it, it will start to become second nature. Having a positive attitude is one of the things that makes you successful in all parts of life, even finding a job.
Getting back into the work force after a long being unemployed is a challenge, but not impossible. As the job market continues to improve, it is essential that you work on being ready for the next big opportunity to knock on your door.

What do you think is important when you are trying to get back into the work force? Let me know in the comments.

If you are looking for a job in the Philadelphia area, visit PhillyJobs for the best Philadelphia area job listings.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for PhillyJobsBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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