Watch Out for These Ten Job Search Lies

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Your job search remains an active part of your professional life as soon as you make a decision as to what career path you want to follow. Right away, you start building your resume and making connections with others, and those processes continue until you retire. Don't get caught in these 10 lies about trying to find a job in a contemporary labor market.

1. Submitting Resumes and That's It

Landing your perfect job isn't about creating the perfect resume and then submitting it to your top five list of employers. A job search relies mostly on networking, referrals and finding someone who can put in a good word for you. After your connection mentions you by name, you submit a resume for consideration.

2. Stagnant Networking Strategies

Your networking strategies get somewhat easier thanks to LinkedIn and social media. However, you cannot just create profiles and then do nothing. Periodically check in with the connections you make and update what's going on. Post on LinkedIn's blog function and show that you're active rather than passive in a job search.

3. Employment Begets Employment

You don't have to have a job to land a job. Many companies consider someone who is unemployed for a position, but you just have to work a bit harder to be more likable. Fill your employment gaps with volunteer work or going to school to show you remained active.

4. Acting the Same

Try not to act the same as everyone else by following another person's advice. Stand out everyone once in a while, and do something unconventional.

5. Spending a Lot of Time to Find Full-Time

Just because you decided to spend 40 hours per week looking for a full-time job, that doesn't follow that you have a successful job search strategy. Work smarter — not harder — by building up your network all of the time.

6. Posting Your Resume to LinkedIn

Your resume makes employers want to read more and go to your LinkedIn profile, not the other way around. Avoid simply pasting your resume into LinkedIn, because then an employer has one less opportunity to contact you for more information.

7. Looking for a Job

A job search isn't about finding a job. It's about creating career fulfillment, being happy while making money and finding how to put your skills to use.

8. Following Your Passions

Many experts may tell you follow your passions first. A career takes more than just having an emotional reason for working. You need skills, abilities and knowledge to have a practical use for your passions.

9. Believing You Can't

Don't believe people who say you can't do something. Who says you can't email the CEO of a company? Why not have coffee with the president of your chosen employer?

10. Forgetting a Thank-You Note

All things being equal, a handwritten thank-you note may give you an edge over another finalist. It may seem old fashioned, but a thank you note could tip the scales in your favor.

A job search has many facets that you must remember so you can land your perfect opportunity. Don't get caught in these lies, and keep looking for opportunities even when you're comfortable and happy.

Photo courtesy of Master isolated images at


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  • katherine m.
    katherine m.

    Not posting enough info like zips, or locations, or salaries, etc.

  • Tanisha G.
    Tanisha G.

    When they say one thing and actually don't.

Jobs to Watch