What Is Your Resume Talking About?

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

There is nothing worse that being in the midst of an exciting crowd where everyone is laughing, telling jokes and sharing stories, but you don't understand a word.

Can that same barrier apply to your professional resume? Are you diligently applying for positions, giving your resume to contacts, emailing recruiters, but their responses confuse you because your resume does not make any sense?

The reason why some professional resumes have more sizzle and energy when you read them is that they tell a powerful story that is worth “hearing”.

Active verbs or action words like they are often called when strategically used in your professional resume bring you and your career achievements to life – literally and figuratively. Compelling verbs add punch to any document and will transform an ordinary sentence into a powerful, memorable phrase.

Compare the following sentences:

Plain statement: Instrumental in taking ABC product to #1 position in marketplace following highly integrated, national media campaign.

Standout statement: Propelled ABC product to coveted #1 position in industry and captured the largest market share for products of its kind by launching a highly integrated, nationwide campaign.

Take a look at your existing resume - are you using the same boring verbs over and over again - like developed, created, prepared, and designed? Add more personality to your professional resume and make it interesting for employers and recruiters to read. Remember, you are marketing yourself and selling your career story - move beyond the ordinary and try out a few of the following verbs in your resume and watch your resume come alive.

-- Accelerate
-- Catapult
-- Execute
-- Spearhead
-- Champion
-- Architect
-- Dominate
-- Leverage
-- Strategize
-- Orchestrate
-- Pioneer
-- Revitalize
-- Transform

About the writer:

Abby M. Locke (http://www.premierwriting.com/) is a career marketing strategist and leadership brand coach who partners with 6 figure executives and professional MBA women to help them achieve true career mastery and success through cutting-edge, career branded communications, innovative job search campaigns, and proactive career management tools.

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