When It Comes To the Job Search, Singles Have the Advantage

Posted by in Career Advice

If you've been feeling pressured by your friends, family or even a significant other to get married, you now have a new excuse to put off tying the knot. According to the Department of Labor, single people have a much easier time when it comes to finding jobs. Compared to married job seekers, single people have shorter periods of unemployment and are more likely to be able to find a full-time position.

In fact, during this current economic recession, there has been a clear advantage to being single. Here are the facts:

  • Single job seekers have lost 5 million jobs during the current economic recession. Since then, 90 percent of people have found new jobs.
  • Married job seekers have lost 6 million jobs during the same period but have only recovered 22 percent of them.

That's a huge difference! Does this mean that employers prefer single people or that they discriminate based on marital status? Maybe it's not that simple. Dr. James Hughes, Dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, says:


“If you’re a single person, if you’re not a homeowner, you’re able to follow where the jobs are. If the job is two states away, you have the ability to move and take that job.”


It makes sense. In general, single people have more flexibility and are more likely to take risks, like moving to a new city for work or working two part-time jobs, than married people. However, I don't think that is the entire picture.

I think that single people have an advantage, in some ways, over their married conterparts because they are more aggresive in their job search. Many other factors come into play for married people. Maybe a married person has a working spouse who also contributes to the household, making it less important to find any job to pay the bills. Married people might have the advantage of being able to afford longer job searches in order to find the right jobs. Also, there has been a rise of men who have decided to forgo finding jobs and instead devote themselves to their families and become stay-at-home dads. When you look at the data that suggest that women are having a better time holding on to their jobs throughout the recession, it makes sense.

In addition, many married people have families and are responsible for caring for children. This makes it even more important that they find jobs that allow them to balance their home lives. Still, this doesn't mean that married people are at a disadvantage. There are some things you can do to make sure that your marital status doesn't impact your job search:

Have a flexible schedule. This is something that many employers look for and could sway a decision between a married person and a single person. Hiring managers are concerned that the employees they hire will find themselves unhappy due to lack of time at home. Make sure that you show an employer that you are able to be present and available when they need you.

Be willing to relocate. Don't rule out the possibility of moving for a job, even if it means that you'll be separated from your family for a short time or that you'll have to move your children to new schools. If you aren't interested in moving, at least entertain the idea. If you're a great fit for a company, they may be able to cover your moving expenses or offer you a better salary at the new location.

Be reliable. Employers are looking for dependable people. They don't want to hire someone who will be leaving them in a few months. When hiring married people with small children, employers worry that the employee won't be able to be at work on time or will have many conflicts with childcare or sick children. Although you can't prevent such events from happening, be sure to play up your dependability and loyalty during your interview.

Whether you are married or single, the job search is hard. Even though the data shows that single people have an easier time in the job market, don't let that discourage you if you're married. Just be aware what the employer wants and let them see that you have it.

Do you think that single people have an easier time finding jobs? Why or why not? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


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  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    @ Glenn - It's a very complex problem and I think that we all need to think of ways to solve it.
  • Glenn M
    Glenn M
    If Both the man and woman work, the babies can go to day care but only for eight hours. One parent drops off and the other picks up.  You are unfair to your child if you make them stay at a day care longer than that.  I have seen single mothers that are truant and leave with the slightest sign of illness with a kid.  I think this is a problem for the bosses because now her babies are affecting their work now.  I think there is  solution but it requires more  covering for people and a better attitude from the mothers(or fathers) Although their children are first they tend to disregard that the employer is important too.
  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    You're right Jennifer, there is still gender discrimination. Another problem for women who are married is that they often have children. When those kids get sick and can't go to school or daycare, someone has to care for them. More often than not, it's the mom. However, things are changing and there are men who have to leave work because their child is sick. Unfortunately, those men are judged by their bosses more harshly than a woman would be. The boss often views the man as being weak or not a "go-getter" simply because he shares the responsibility of caring for his child. It's a sad situation either way.
  • Jennifer K
    Jennifer K
    It is a well known fact that married women more than married men are discriminated more in the job search arena than single people are because it is believed that if you are a married woman then you are more likely to have a family or will begin a family sometime in your career which will lead to down time from your job to be able to recuperate from child birth and decide if you want to return to work after 3 months or become a stay at home mom. Many employers don't look at dad to be the stay at home parent because many dads will throw the parenting responsibilities off on another family member that doesn't work so that he can go to work to provide for the family and Corporate America doesn't see anything wrong with that. Women are sometimes looked down upon if they choose to leave their children with a sitter so that they too can go work full time in their careers to provide for their family. It's a double standard. In these days many homosexual couples will be chosen for career positions over heterosexuals because it is less likely they will be bringing children into the world unless they have a donor or adopt so they are less of a risk. Even though we have laws to protect women from being discriminated against in the job market, it continues to happen everyday, employers just aren't allowed to say so.

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