You Can Write Your Own Master Resume

Posted by in Career Advice

If you’re looking to apply for a number of different jobs – possibly in more than one field – then you may benefit from the master resume. Similar to a document template, it allows you the flexibility to change out information as needed and act as a sort of a place holder for parts of your resume in an organized structure. In these difficult economic times where you may need to apply for jobs in more than one field to bring in income, the master resume is a good structured way to help you stay organized. If this sounds like something you may want to create yourself, here are a few tips to help you get started … Create a Headline that “Pops” Your first order of business is to create a headline for your resume (if submitting online) and make it one that “pops.” You don’t want something plain – you want to make sure that it stands out and at the same time defines you. For example, if your headline is “Pharmaceutical Sales Representative” this is rather plain and generic. Instead, you could come up with a headline that tells a little bit about who you are: “The Best Sales Representative You’ll Ever Meet,” or “I Was Salesperson of the Year at ABC Company and I Can be Yours Too.” What’s great about the master resume is that once you create the headline in your first one, you could use its creative wordplay to create other great headlines. Setting Up an Expertise Section The expertise section is another part of the master resume that offers flexibility so that you can switch out information as needed. You can either leave this section titled as such, or change it slightly. However, the idea is still the same; you want something that lets employers know what type of background you have and what skills you’re bringing to the table. In this case, however, the information you’re likely to switch out will be the subcategories within this section. Creating a Section for Your Credentials Depending on the job you’re applying for, your credentials may be relevant in some instances and irrelevant in others. But with a master resume, you could create a section that allows you to change out your credentials as needed, helping you to stay organized without compromising the quality of the resume. Titling Your Master Resume Once you’ve created the resume that you think could stand as the master that you base your other versions off of, it’s good to give it a title such as “DoeJane_MasterResume” so that you’ll always know that it is not the copy you should send out to employers and instead it is your resume template. What’s great about a master resume is that you’re essentially creating a resume template that starts off specific to you, instead of forcing you to fill in the blanks from someone else’s resume. So if you think that this type of resume will help you be able to send out a number of versions to different employers, then it’s not a bad idea to get started on yours today.

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  • Ron Hartwick
    Ron Hartwick
    Good ideas here.  The Master Resume would help job-seekers avoid the pitfalls of a "generic" resume that could highlight a failure of career focus.
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